Chapter 23 (Callum)

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After we finished dinner we drove back to the tour bus and I parked grabbing a huge blanket from the truck and sat on the truck wrapping the blankets over us. I soon went live on Instagram "Shoutout to my friends who thought I was crazy but as promised Hailey I will give Emory your number." I said smiling at Ronnie. "Did I ever tell you your pretty? If not your pretty." I said smiling seeing Hailey joined. @HailzX3 Tell me you'll tone down his cheesiness "No my girlfriend and best friend can not gang up on me I will call in Emory to help." I said and sat on Live for a few more minutes. "Can I piss Patty off? I been wanting to ever since I first met you." Ronnie rose a brow and so I walked up to the tour bus and knocked. "Hey Johnny I need you to give this to Emory and send Patty out." He nodded looking to Ronnie who shrugged. Once he walked out he didn't look to happy. "Just wanted to say if you want tips on how to get the girl I can give you some. Like Tip #1 Don't look at her like she's an object." I said wrapping my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. "I hope your not mad" I whispered in her ear.

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