Chapter 34 (Ronnie)

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"That sounds like a great plan," I tell Callum, "especially since Alex brought some fan mail with her."

"Be quiet," Alex shushes us, "or you'll wake-"

The sound of crying fills the bus, which causes Alex to sigh. To my surprise, Johnny is on his feet heading to his son's aide. He picks up Spencer and quietly gets him back to sleep.

"What just happened," I ask confused.

"That," Johnny begins, "is how I used to put you to sleep dear sister."

"You raised her," Callum asks.

"Haven't you heard about our parents," Johnny asks Callum.

"Not really," he replies, "what happened?"

"They died in a fire," I answer quiety. I tuck my head down and the memory floods my mind. It was an accident that happened when I was a child, but it still haunts me sometimes.

Johnny silenty nods and tucks his down too. Alex sits on his lap and rubs small circles on my brother's back.

"Hey guys," Emory asks, "I'm heading to the hotel with Hailey. Figured you could have a peaceful night without me here."

"Be careful," Aaron barks at Emmy, "and be back by 11am. If not then we will leave without you." Emory gives Aaron a thumbs up before running off the bus.

"Let me grab Spenc," Alex says, "I had gotten a hotel room for the three of us. And yes, there's a plane ticket waiting for you. I figured we could fly back as a family."

"Sounds great," Johnny replies. My brother quickly grabs his essential items and throws them in a bag. "Hey Ron can you-"

"-put the rest of your stuff in your bunk for you? Yes." I smile at Johnny. It's hard for him whenever we're on the road. He hates being away from Alex and Spencer.

"So," I turn to Callum, "you have your choice of taking my brother's bunk or squeezing into mine. Your choice."

Callum nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck. "I'm not leaving your side," he replies, "I don't care how tight it is, I'm squeezing in with you."

"Okay. But be warned, I'm a cuddler."

"As am I." I smile at Callum and we kiss each other deeply.

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