Chapter 139 (Ronnie)

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A smile forms on my face as Raelyn sits in my lap. I pull all of my hair to a side so she can play with it.

"Mommy," Raelyn begins, "whis is Daddy always gone?"

"Well," I begin, "that's a question you should ask Daddy yourself." With a smile, Raelyn hops off my lap and Hayden jumps on.

"So," he begins, "can we go on tour with you?"

"That depends," I reply, "are you doing good in school?"

"My grades are good!"

"But I've been told you've been misbehaving."

Hayden hangs his head in shame. He then looks at Marie and yells at her. "You're such a meanie! If Daddy was home more he'd understand!" Hayden hops off my lap and runs to his room.

"And that," Marie states, "is why Callum shouldn't marry you. The kids like you, but the separation from Callum is too much. And it's becoming harder for me to take care of them."

"I understand," I reply calmly, "but it's Callum's choice to make."

"What's my choice to make," Callum pipes up.

"You shouldn't get married," Marie bursts out. "This separation is hurting the kids. You and Hailey need to come home."

"My home is with Ronnie," Callum stands by me.

"And what of the kids? I'm not getting any younger!"

"I love them, but I'm not their father. I'm their brother. Yes, it's my responsibility to take care of them. But sometimes I need to focus on myself."

3rd POV

As Marie and Callum continue to fight, Ronnie slowly exits the room and walks into Callum's room. She sits on the bed and looks around to the posters on the wall. Ronnie smiles to herself as she notices just how young the band was in some of those posters.

While being quiet, Raelyn and Hayden enter Callum's room. They each sit next to Ronnie and hug her tightly.

"Please don't leave us," Raelyn pleads.

"Why would I leave you, Ronnie asks.

"Because Daddy and Auntie Marie are yelling and talking about you," Hayden sniffles. "And Auntie Marie is sick. Sick people shouldn't be yelling."

"She's sick? What's going on?"

"Auntie Marie has been in the hospital a lot lately," Raelyn replies. "Doctors keep taking pictures of her heart. Is she gonna be okay, Mommy?"

"I don't know, sweetheart. We'll have to wait for the doctors to tell us." Pain and sadness spread through Ronnie's heart as she begins to worry about Marie's health.

A few states south, Hailey's morning sickness worsens as her pregnancy progresses. Emory does his best to be supportive, but Hailey's mood swings keep confusing him. She also begun to crave cherries with crunchy peanut butter. Emory begins doing research about different ways to be supportive during Hailey's pregnancy.

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