Chapter 10 (Ronnie)

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We arrive in Salt Lake City the next day. I wake up and find that I'm the only one awake. I sit next to Aaron at the front of the bus.

"Last night's show was good," he states, "your brother needs to stop drinking before he goes on stage."

"Well he's not my responsibility," I tell him, "get Alex to do it. She is his fiancé after all."

"She's busy with the baby right now. She said the two of them might fly out for the LA show."

"I hope they do. I can't wait to spoil my nephew! He's so adorable!" I drink some coffee and pull out my phone. I open Instagram and go through and like every tagged picture from last night. As I go through the pictures, I frown slightly when I don't see one of me and Callum. He was really cute and I think Patty scared him away.

I decide to start a live feed. I introduce everyone to Aaron as I recieve comments about how cool and awesome the band is.

"It's nearly noon," I tell the viewers, "let's wake up the band." I flip the camera view and make my way towards the bunks. I pull open Andrew's curtain. "Here we spot a wild guitarist sleeping with a Spiderman blanket." I move on to Emory's bunk. To my surprise he's awake on his phone, watching the live stream. "You're not fun."

"I'm plenty fun," he smirks, "and I'm single for all you ladies out there." He winks at the camera and I roll my eyes. I pull open the curtain to Johnny's bunk and smile as I spot him sleeping with a stuffed penguin Alex gave him when Spencer was born.

"Now to see my bunk," I tell the fans. I pull open the curtain to my bunk. "For those of you who brings us art, I keep it in my bunk. When I've had a bad day I look at it and know how much PTC means to y'all. And yes, that is an Ice Nine Kills poster you see at the end of my bunk. Gotta always pack the essentials. I'll answer a few questions." I scroll through the comments and find some that catch my eye.

"Do I have any tattoos? Yeah. I have three of them. When is the wedding? I think Johnny's gonna reserve the venue after the tour. Nothing is really set in stone yet. What is my favorite song of all time? That's a good question. It's a tie between The Dirt by Mötley Crüe and The Fastest Way to a Girl's Heart is Through Her Ribcage by Ice Nine Kills." I look at the camera one last time before waving goodbye and shutting off the live feed. Sound check is soon and right now I need some more caffine.

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