Chapter 88 (Ronnie)

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"Hailey told me about your siblings," I state. "Do they want to meet me?"

"To be honest," Callum rubs the back of his neck, "they don't know you. They know I have a girlfriend, but that's it."

"Wouldn't it be wise if you told them about me first? Their reaction might dictate how they'll handle the news on our engagement."

"Johnny said the same thing."

"You talked to my brother?"

"Yeah. Emory told me that Johnny raised you."

"He did, but that's a subject I'd like to stay away from until after the wedding." I form my hands into fists and think back at every childhood memory I had with Johnny.

"Why?" Callum walks over to me and grabs my hands. He helps me relax enough to undo the fists.

"Johnny raised me all on his own. We both had to go into the foster care system, but no family would take two siblings. Once my brother turned eighteen he signed the forms to be my legal guardian. I was twelve." I do my best to hold in the tears that threaten to spill down my face. "I have to wake up early to help set up tomorrow. I'm gonna head to bed."

Callum nods and quietly leaves my room. I shut the door and silently release the tears. It's hard thinking back to my time in the foster care system.

Emory's POV

My eyes widen at Hailey's words. I look at her in pure shock. How can she be pregnant? I used protection every time.

"How," I quietly ask.

"We had sex," Hailey explains.

"But...but I always used a condom." I stare at Hailey confused. "Not to be a dick, but are you sure it's mine?"

"Are you accusing me of cheating?"

"No! I...I just never wanted kids."

"What?" Hailey's voice cracks and my heart breaks at the sound.

"I'm shit with kids," I explain. "If you haven't noticed, nobody allows me near Spencer. They had be do a trial run of babysitting and things didn't end well. I'm better with animals than I am with children. I'm sorry Hailey." I leave the room and dash downstairs. I find Ronnie's hidden pack of cigarettes and walk outside. I light one and try to process what just happened. I think I may have just royaly fucked up with Hailey.

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