Chapter 70 (Ronnie)

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"Callum," I rush to his side as he slumps to the floor. "Callum, I love you. I will always love you. And I would love to marry you. But every relationship has its ups and downs."

"You don't understand," he tells me. "There was a woman in my past that I fell in love with. But she had paid me to be her fake boyfriend."

"And you didn't ask her out because..."

"...because she never liked me." Callum puts his head in his hands and begins to bawl his eyes.

"Come here," I extend a hand to Callum. "Let's get you out of those clothes. We can't have you getting sick."

"I deserve to get sick," he refuses my hand.

"Callum, please stop loathing in self-hatred. I love you. I don't want you to leave. Was I jealous? Yes. Can I forgive you? Yes. Look, I didn't take the ring off." I show Callum my hand and the promise ring. He grabs my hand and looks at my bloody knuckles.

"Am I the reason for this," he asks quietly.

"No," I reply, "she's the reason for this. You're the reason I didn't take the ring off. Now let's get you out of those wet clothes."

Callum stands up and I grab his hand. I squeeze his hand and lead him to my room. He stands in front of me emotionless. I close the door and help him out of his clothes. I lead him to the bathroom and run a hot shower for him. As I go to give him some privacy, Callum grabs my wrist.

"Stay with me," he pleads, "I fucked up and I'm sorry."

"I will always stay with you, Callum." I strip and follow him into the shower. The moment we're close, he holds me close and kisses every part of my face and hands.

"Will you marry me," he asks.

"I'd love to," I smile. "Will you sleep with me tonight?"

"I never want to leave your side. Looks like I'll have to tell your brother the surprise is off." Callum kisses me passionately and I kiss him back without hesitation.

"Just promise me something, Callum. Promise me that you'll tell me about the women in your past."

"I will, but I want you to promise me something."


"Promise to tell me the whole story behind you and Patty. I see the way he looks at you. And when we first met I saw the look you gave him. Promise me you'll explain things, Ronnie."

"I will," I state, "now let's wash up and then go to bed." I kiss Callum and begin to wash up. He kisses back and helps me, never taking his hands off me.

As we finish our shower, we dry off and kiss each other again. I put a large baggy shirt on and Callum puts on his pair of sweatpants that I stole. We crawl into bed and cuddle each other.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie," Callum whispers, "I fucked up."

"Cal," I reply, "a good relationship has its mistakes. Patty was mine and Diamante was yours. We're even now."

"I'm sorry about your hand. Let me fix it up for you in the morning."

"I will. Now let's go to bed. And don't worry, Johnny will still kick your ass." Callum and I chuckle and I begin to fall into a deep sleep.

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