Chapter 106 (Callum/Hailey)

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I smiled and kissed Ronnie's head. "Will you tuck us in at night? And read us a bed time story? Can we video call you and Cal and tell you good night everyday?" Hayden asked happily. "Will you have tea parties and play dress up with me?" Raelyn asked smiling. I smiled as Ronnie answered the questions I already knew they would love her. She would basically be the Mom Rae never had.

Hailey's P.O.V
I followed Emory and just kept to myself for the most part. I was busy looking at apartments for us, baby things and just got lost in my own world. On the drive to Zach's I let the boys talk and just stuck some headphones in and quietly listened to music singing softly so they wouldn't notice. I was snapped out of that when I heard my name. "Yes?" I said and noticed Emory was turning red. "How did you and Emory get together?" Zach asked causing me to giggle. "Well you see I had been writing to your brother for awhile and at one of the shows they mocked your brothers crush on me and so after Callum asked Ronnie out your brother asked me out."

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