Chapter 110 (Callum/Hailey)

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I walk back outside and sat on the bench. I loved this women with all my person and she kissed him. I tried to take Alex's advice but I couldn't not after witnessing someone who wants to be with you and even said it straight to another man's face. I soon let the tears begin to fall as I now go from being upset to hurt. I was happy everyone was inside I just couldn't handle ruining this night for them.

Hailey's P.O.V.
After everything that Emory told me I took a quick picture and smiled happily. "What? I needed something to remember this sweet moment. After everything you told me Babe I never thought I would see you guys like this." I said before going back to apartment hunting and sighed. It wasn't that they were bad just kinda pricey and I would feel bad if Emory paid for the whole thing himself. I thought I was saying. "What am I going to do.." to myself in my head when I actually said it out loud.

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