Chapter 68 (Ronnie)

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"A girls day does sound nice," I say. "Now let me do something before we head home."

I head over to the bar and thank Diamante. I take a few photos with her and give her Aaron's card. I know he'll love her voice and he'll help her get her album going. I walk back to everyone and grab the car keys. I nod and we all head to the car. Callum tries to hold my hand the whole time, but I pull it away from him. He hurt me. He never even told me about what he did in high school. I feel betrayed.

When we arrive at the mansion I'm the first to get out of the car. I head inside and go straight to my favorite room, the gym. I head to my locker and change into my workout clothes. I quickly tie my hair up and put some heavy metal music on. I wrap my hands and begin to go through my boxing routine. Diamante seems really sweet, but right now I'm imagining her face on everything I'm punching.

Emory's POV

"My room is the third one on the left," I tell Hailey. "I need to talk to Callum real quick." I give her a kiss on the cheek and pull Callum aside before we head into the mansion. "Give her time. You hurt her."

"I should've told her soon," he states. "She needs to know the truth."

"You're right. But right now she needs some time. You should try making a list of every reason why you fell in love with Ronnie. It'll help you realize why you started to drool over Diamante." I pat Callum on the shoulder and head inside. I walk upstairs and head to my room. I lean against the doorway and smile when I see Hailey putting her clothes away while dancing around the room.

"Mind if I join you," I ask her. She blushes and nods. I smile, close the door, and pull Hailey close to me. We begin to slow dance around my large room. "I love you, Hailey. I know Aaron gave you a limit on how long you can be here. I want you to move in with me. I'm ready to put a down payment down for an apartment. Will you move in there with me?"

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