Chapter 102 (Emory)

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I quickly pack a bag and text Aaron where we're going. It'll be nice to head back to Boston for a little bit. Hailey and I get in the cab and head to the airport. My usually chatty self is silent as I think about my older sister, Lily.

"Are you okay," Hailey asks me.

"No," I reply, "my sister is in the ICU. Lily helped raise me and Zach."

"We'll get to see her soon, Em."

I stare out the window until we arrive at the airport. I quickly get our stuff situated before we head through security. Everything seems to blur together. My mind floods with memories of my siblings while the plane takes off.

I turn to Hailey and notice she's fast sleep. When we're clear to, I pull out my phone and let Zach know we're on our way.

*time skip*

As we walk into the hospital, I have to have Hailey lead me to the ICU. I walk into Lily's room and don't recognize my own sister. Her long curls look dead and her normally pink skin looks void of color. She's hooked up to several different machines.

"Who's that," Zach asks.

"My girlfriend," I reply. "What happened?"

"Drunk driver. Melanie should be here soon."


"Of course you don't know Melanie." Zach rolls his eyes and points to Lily's left hand. I notice the wedding ring on her finger. How did my sister get married and not tell me?

"You should sit down," Hailey tells me.

"Yeah Brian," Zach says, "sit."

"Brian," Hailey asks confused.

"It's my first name," I state while glaring at Zach. "Emory is actually my middle name."

"It's been a long time, brother. You didn't tell me you were famous."

"I'm not. My band is. If you're pissed at me, just tell me, Zach. I still feel guilty for what happened."

"Do you know," he turns to Hailey.

"I do," she replies. She places a gentle hand on her stomach and Zach laughs.

"My idiot brother is going to be a father?! Ha!"

"Zachary," I interject, "stop being a dick!"

"You're not my father!"

"Both of you," a soft voice begins, "be quiet."

I jump out of my seat and press the nurse button on the wall. A nurse walks in as Lily begins to regain more consciousness.

"Gentleman," the nurse begins, "please leave the room. We need to run some tests."

Zach and I leave the room. Hailey follows us as we head to the waiting room. She sits between us.

"I know this isn't the best way to meet," she tells Zach, "but it is nice to meet you."

"You're very sweet," he replies. "Make sure Brian doesn't fuck up as a father."

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