Chapter 135 (Ronnie)

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The flight wasn't fun at all. Callum was able to take a nap and I just couldn't sleep at all. However, it was all worth it to see little Hayden and Raelyn. Raelyn attached herself to me, which only caused me to giggle slightly. I follow Callum and Hayden as they lead me to a woman.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," she exclaims.

"And it's nice to meet you," I reply with a smile.

"Raelyn," the woman states, "let's go."

"No," the little girl replies stubbornly, "I want mommy to carry me." Raelyn clings to me even more as my eyes go wide. I turn to Callum and see a smile on his face. Tears begin to swell in my eyes from pure joy.

"Listen," I quietly tell Raelyn, "Mommy's gonna be right here. I need to carry some heavy bags with Cal so I'm gonna have to put you down. But I promise that I'll sit right next to you in the car." I give Raelyn a kiss on the forehead and put her down. She hugs my leg and then holds onto Hayden's hand. I pick up my bags and follow them.

"You'll make a great mom someday," Callum whispers to me. "She always throws a fuss when I let her down."

"We're a team," I tell Cal, "you've raised them so far, which proves to me you'll make a great father."

As we near the car, I hear a few screams of excitement from behind us. I turn and smile when I see a few fans. I wave to them and turn back around.

"Who are they," Cal asks.

"Just some fans," I reply, "my hair gives me away. But since we'll be married soon you might want to get used to the fans. They tend to be everywhere."

"Well if you can get used to them, then I guess I can too." I give Cal a quick kiss before climbing into the car and sitting next to Raelyn. I help her get buckled in here car seat before putting on my own seat belt. I watch the scenery change as we leave the parking lot. It's so nice to be traveling without being on a tour bus.

Emory's POV

I bounce my leg as we wait in the waiting room. I'm not a big fan of doctors or hospitals. Hailey places a gentle hand on my knee, which instantly calms down my anxiety.

"You're fine," she states, "we're just here to get a check up and to find out the gender." I nod in reply and patiently wait for her name to be called. After what seems like forever, Hailey's name is finally called. I help her up and we follow the nurse to a sterile white room. My anxieties pick up again and I hold onto Hailey's hand tightly. 

"Alright," the nurse says, "I'm going to check your vitals and then we can do the ultrasound."

I sit down in the chair nearby Hailey and wait as the nurse checks Hailey's vitals. I stand up when she drags a weird machine over. Hailey lifts up her shirt and the nurse applies some gel to her stomach. I watch in silence as the machine turns on and a picture begins to form. Hailey grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. My anxieties go away as I see a picture of my child appear on the screen.

"It's a girl," the nurse tells us with a smile. A huge smile forms on my face and I kiss Hailey passionately.

"We're having a girl," I state quietly yet cheerfully. 

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