Chapter 52 (Ronnie)

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I hug Emory after we watch Hailey get on her plane. The wedding isn't for another two months. I know she'll be back then. I drive Emory back to the mansion. To my dismay, Patty's car is in the driveway. Maxx Danziger's car is also in the driveway.

"What the hell," I whisper to Emory.

"They're the grooms men," he replies. "Your brother still doesn't a best man though. He might ask Callum."

I walk into the mansion and immediately all eyes are on me. Maxx waves at me and Patty smiles. I simply nod and retreat to the studio. Maxx and I had great chemistry when we first met, but due to our schedules we weren't able to make things work. We're still great friends though. I haven't talked to Patty since he punched Callum. I know I should forgive him, but it's not easy.

Johnny comes in, drops off Spencer, and quickly shuts the door. I sigh and pick up my nephew. I'll have to record my part of the duet when I put Spencer down for his nap. Callum comes in and gives me a quick kiss before running off with the guys. I hope Callum and Patty don't get in a fight today.

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