Chapter 153 (Johnny)

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I rush to the airport to pick up my sister. The drive to the hospital is unusually quiet.

"What's on your mind," I ask. "And don't say nothing. You've only been this quiet one other time."

"Fine," Ronnie sighs, "it's Callum. He wants to stay with his siblings."

"And?" I raise an eyebrow, knowing that my sister is hiding something back.

"I don't wanna stay there. I love him, but I love my family more. And not just you, Alex, and Spencer. I'm talking about Andrew, Emory, and Aaron. All of you are my family. We've been together for years and I don't wanna be so far away." Ronnie's voice cracks slightly. I put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I get it," I state, "I was that way when I first met Alex. She was gorgeous and I knew right away that I loved her. I just couldn't stand the thought of leaving you. You're my baby sister. When Alex became pregnant I fell more in love with her. That was when she started to bond with you. From that point onward, I knew I was goong to marry her."

"Is there a point to this story?" I quickly look at Ronnie and spot the annoyed look on her face.

"Yes. My point is that I chose to leave you when I saw how happy you were when Spencer was born. Your happiness is the main reason I decided to leave. I'm not telling you this to make you sad. I'm telling you this to make you think. If you're happy with Callum, then stay with him. If not, then stay with the guys."

Ronnie nods in reply and twists her fingers together. I just hope she makes the right choice. Callum's a nice guy, but I feel like he's trying to take Ronnie away from the band.

As we approach the hospital my stomach drops. Emory is pacing outside the front entrance and keeps running his hands through his hair. I drive up to him and Ronnie yells for Emory to get in the truck. Without hesitation he climbs in and gets a heel thrown at him.

"What the actual fuck," Ronnie yells at him. "Why the hell aren't you with Hailey?!"

I spot Emory's face drain of color in the rear view mirror. He runs his hands over his face and mumbles a reply.

"Johnny," my sister whispers, "park the truck." I do as I'm told and watch as Ronnie climbs into the back seat. I turn around and almost don't recognize my best friend. His once playful eyes are full of guilt. His bouncy curls and flat and almost lifeless.

"What happened," I ask.

"Twins," he replies through sobs. "I can't do it. I just can't. I'm not ready."

"Does Hailey know," Ronnie asks. Emory shakes his head and I sigh. Reading my mind, Ronnie grabs her purse and walks into the hospital.

"Talk to me," I tell Emory, "what are you thinking?"

"You sound like your sister," he replies with a soft chuckle.

"Would you rather I ask or her?"

"You! She threw her heel at me."

"Join the club." We chuckle and I smile as Emory's face regains some color.

"Look," Emory sighs, "I just don't think I'm ready to be a dad yet. I'm okay at babysitting Spencer, but he always cries when I pick him up. I know I'm being selfish, but I don't want kids. I'm better with animals."

I place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. His eyes are still glossy with tears.

"It's not easy being a father," I reply. "Sometimes I just want some alone time, but I don't get that with Spencer. He's a very active child. I love him, but I also love my time away from him. I just hope Hailey isn't freaking out too badly. Oh shit..."

My eyes widen as I spot my sister nearly running towards the truck. Emory follows my gaze and uses his arms to shield his face. My sister is scary when she's pissed. I just hope she does not try to kill me in the process of punishing Emory. This is going to be a long drive home.

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