Chapter 20 (Ronnie)

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"Just don't break her heart," my brother replies.

I roll my eyes and take Callum's hand in mine. "Dinner sounds great," I tell him, "just let me go grab my purse."

Callum smiles and I quickly run on the tour bus and grab my purse. I'm stopped by Patty.

"I still love you, Ronnie," he pleads, "please go on a date with me?"

"I can't,Patty," I reply, "I'm with Callum."

"That fan," he questions, "he doesn't know you like I do."

"Probably not," I bark at him, "but I like him. Hell, I might even love him. Excuse me." I push past Patty and smile when I spot Callum. I take his hand in mine as he leads me to his car.

"So where are we going," I ask him.

"It's a surprise," he tells me. I smile and watch as we drive towards the center of town. My eyebrows furrow together when we approach a small french diner that looks empty.

"It looks closed," I tell Callum.

"It's not," he tells me, "I know the owner and I reserved it for the whole night. I wanted to make this night special."

"You didn't have to do that, Callum."

"I know, but a special woman deserves a special night out." I blush at his comment and we get of the car and head into the bistro. There is a single table set up in the center of the bistro. Callum pulls a chair out for me and I blush even more. No guy has ever treated me like this before. I hope I don't do something stupid to mess this up. I have bad luck when it comes to love.

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