Chapter 114: ᒲ𝙹𝙹リꖎᔑ∷ꖌ

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Ember's POV


"Shhh, we're supposed to be scouting!" I whispered. "Oh and uh... bless you?"

"Somebody just said my name, Ember," my girlfriend told me.


Moon just shrugged.

Something felt weird all of a sudden.

"I feel like someone is trying to make me sneeze," I commented before raising my voice. "NICE TRY!"

Moon shook her head at me, trying to figure out who was talking about us.

All of a sudden, symbols flashed in the thin air.

"↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ∴𝙹∷∷||, ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣ ᓵ⍑ᔑ∷ꖎ╎ᒷ"

Suddenly, a floating girl materialized out of no where.

Moon shrieked at the top of her lungs which made me internally ask why the hell were we both assigned for scouting, since we were both terrible at it.

"Who are you?" I asked as Moon continued to scream.

She didn't reply at all, she just stared at me.

"Are you... some deity?" I tried.

"||𝙹⚍ ᓵ𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ᓭᔑ|| ℸ ̣ ⍑ᔑℸ ̣"

I have no idea what she's saying.

The girl looked up, her eyes full of shock.




I didn't  move, I was trying to figure out what she was saying.


What is she saying?

"⊣ᒷℸ ̣ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ⊣ᒷℸ ̣ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ∷╎⊣⍑ℸ ̣ リ𝙹∴"

""I-I don't understand!" I yelled. "What are you saying?!"

Suddenly my communicator beeped and I saw a disorientated message.

Get... run... hide... danger... away... out... hide...

However, I knew one thing.

Danger was near, and she was trying to warn us.

I grabbed Moon's hand, finally shutting her up and ran, dragging her along with me.

For a moment, it didn't even occur to me that I should make sure mystery deity was okay. But when I glanced to check on her...

She was gone.

Where is she? I wondered just as my eyes caught the last remains of a message.


Anything else she might've said had already faded away.

Embers of Eternity (Book 8 of the Keyblade Legends Rainimator Fanfic Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt