Chapter 132: A Short Response

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Herobrine's POV

To Dad (Herobrine) 

It would be a lie to say that the last letter wasn't a shock, I am quickly writing this out to you why Charlie, in his overcautious nature, wanted to make sure that the dream stone wouldn't hurt me, so I am writing this, I am worried for Tsuki, and hopefully, by the time your reading this, would have already used it, the thing you said about fighting this Herobrine, it was nice, a bit late, apparently I had just atomised him. and your right we should meet up, although it could be difficult, the enemy we're fighting the Controller. he's taken something from this old place. it's what he used to bring Razer and the rest here, Charlie being the only one who understands this, Well there's the Doctor but that's complicated. anyway, Charlie's scared that opening a portal to your universe one bigger enough for people might lead the Controller to complete himself, and unless and I quote, 'A massive multiversal catastrophe beyond anything we have ever seen' not sure I know what that means but it doesn't sound good. 

 love From Crystal, (your daughter)

Dear Crystal,

I apologize for this short letter, unfortunately things have gotten worse here. Tsuki's in a coma and Kaylee and Hannah aren't sure she'll ever wake up. I'm thinking about ditching the Underworld now... but I'm conflicted. Hope things are going better for you.



I stifled a sob, trying not to cry for my capable daughter that I loved with all my heart.

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