65. Mood swings

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"Definitely not pregnant" I tell Peter as I come out of the bathroom.

"Do you need me to get anything?" he asks as I lay back down in bed.

"Nah I'm okay, what time are you meeting Ned?"

"In an hour but I can stay here with you if you want"

"No you don't need to stay here, you haven't seen Ned in almost 4 weeks and you've seen me everyday so go spend some time with Ned"

"Will you be okay here alone?"

"Peter I spent most of my life basically alone I will be fine" I chuckle but he looks at me serious.

"(Y/n) do we need to speak about this" his brown eyes where deadly serious full of concern.

"No, I was just joking" I stick my tongue out of him.

"I think I'm gonna stay here with you today"

"No you won't, go see Ned, have your bro time whatever you wanna call it and then come back here, I'm gonna be perfectly fine, probably just gonna read my book"

He leans in and kisses my lips, it was short but loving. "I love you" he rests his forehead against mine and I smile.

"I love you too, now go get dressed" I nudge him out of the bed but he wraps his arms around me and pulls me onto his chest.

"I'd rather do this" he kisses me.

"No go get dressed" I roll of of him but his grip was tight, he was holding me like I was a teddy bear.

"Still got time" he has his cheeky grin.

"Peter no" I say and he pouts before nodding.



I'm finally able to roll of off him and lay back down on my side of the bed, I watch as peter gets up and walks over to the closet. He was only wearing his boxers since that's how he likes to sleep when it's warm and last night was a really warm night.

He changes into his shorts and a T-shirt. He then goes back into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Neds on his way" he tells me as he neatens the duvet and then lays on top of it next to me.

"What time will you be back?"

"Not sure but I will have my phone on if you need me at any point"

"I'm sure I won't but thanks"

"Even if you feel lonely you call me and I will come home" he lays on my stomach resting his head on my stomach staring up at me.

"Peter stop worrying I will be fine, this is not my first time home alone" I say running my fingers through his long curly hair, he got it cut the other day when we got back from my dads but he didn't get much cut off, I liked his hair long.

"I know" he gives me a small smile before just staring up at me with the cute adorable look on his face. He looked like a puppy, his brown eyes seemed to sparkle like stars.

"You have really nice eyes" I smile.

"Thanks, so do you" His smile grows.

Knock knock!

"Neds here" peter sighs and rolls off of me. I get up and follow him out of the room and walk to the kitchen to grab a drink while Peter answers the door.

"Hey bro" Ned smiles and him and peter do there iconic handshake.

"How are you man" peter says.

"Good good, you?"

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