78. When you realise your childhood is over

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Your POV

We showed dad the cottage we found in the woods and he just said it would be a lot of work but we could do it up and have it as our own, when we first showed it him he didn't even realise it was there.

The next morning he had builders over to begin repairs and soon all the walls where restored to a good condition, next it was the plumbing and electrics. This house was old, the electrics and plumbing looked almost 100 years old.

The day of the funeral had arrived. Everyone was quite and the air around us was sad.

I got dressed into my black dress that came to my knees and then wore my grey coat that also went down to my knees.

"We really need to be going soon" my dad said from the kitchen.

"I'm ready but Peter is outside" I tell him and we both look out the window to see him sat alone on the bench while it snowed around him.

Morgan was staying home with a baby sitter my dad hired.

I grabbed the umbrella from the umbrella stand and walk out the door and over to Peter and put it above his head while dusting some of the snow of his soft brown hair.

"Hi" he turns to me with a small smile.

"Hey" I give him a small smile.

"Are we leaving?"

"Yeah" I put my hand out and he takes it, his hands where freezing, he was in his black coat and black suit which I had ironed for him since it was all creased and I wouldn't let him go out in it.

"Your hands are cold" he said pulling them Into his pocket.

"So are yours"

"It is winter"

"You're always warm though like a human hot water bottle"

"I don't know if it's a complement you are comparing me to a hot water bottle" he says with a smile on his face.

"Oh it is" I nod. "It means when I'm cold I will just cuddle up to you and stay warm" I walk even closer to him so we are shoulder to shoulder as we make our way over to my dads car.

"I like cuddling with you" he smiled.

"Me to it makes me feel safe, when I'm with you I know I'm safe" I give him a smile.

We open the back doors of the car and take a seat next to each other. I fastened my seat belt and put the seat warmer on and Peter did the same.

"Ready to go?" Dad asked taking a seat In the drivers seat next to his wife.

"Yep" I nod.

We drove off down the road through the trees, I stared at the snow falling peacefully from the grey sky. I looked over at Peter who was sat staring out his window. I leaned across and took his hand gently rubbing my finger across his soft skin.

Today was going to be the hardest on peter out of everyone. He had lost his last living relative and he blamed it on himself.

The car ride was silent except the sound of the radio playing, nobody spoke, nobody knew what to say.

We soon pulled up to the church and my dad told us to stay in the car as he went to check everything. Pepper got out so Peter and I could be alone.

I hadn't removed my hand from his and he had mine tightly scared of letting go.

"Peter" I said calmly and his head turned to look at me.


"How are you feeling?" That was a stupid question, of course I know how he's feeling.

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