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A/n omg I finally finished writing it, I kinda began to loose intrest in writing towards the ending and tan out of things to write about and that was how I realised I was near the end of writing. I just want to say a big thank you to marvel for creating these characters who are like a family who are always welcoming. And a big thank you to Peter Parker, he may be a fictional character but without him I don't know where I'd be right now he's helped me through a lot and he isn't even real. And a massive massive thank you to everyone who has read this book and supported me while I wrote it, it's gonna be strange not writing this story anymore since it's what I do every evening looks like I'll have to write more stories.

This past year of writing this has been crazy I wasn't intending the book to be this long but is very long.

I hope you enjoyed reading it and I will go over and edit everything at somepoint.

Yet again another massive thank you for reading this.

Hey so it's been a while. I was just looking over this story and realised it's the most random story ever, I'm pretty sure some parts of it don't even make sense, I started writing this when i was 15 and I am nearly 18 now (still can't believe that it's scary how fast time has gone) I just wanted to say a big massive thank you to everyone who has read this or added it to there list and voted on it, it was in number 1 on one of the hashtags for a while and I was shocked. I just wanted to jump on here and tell everyone a big thank you, so thank you. Even if you made it to the end and see this. Thank you so much, Aimee xx

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