Vikklan: Stressed

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*•Lachlan's POV•*

I was a mix of things. I had so many feelings running through my mind at once. I was sitting in an airport, in London, waiting for my ride. My ride, who happened to be my best friend, my crush, my love. Vikram Barn. I was so excited to see him, I couldn't wait. Bit I'd made myself a promise. I would tell him I loved him. When I remembered that, my stomach did a backflip. I knew I had to do it, but so many "what ifs" came with the thought of it. What if he doesn't like me back? What if he hates me after I tell him? What if by telling him, I lose him forever? I couldn't bare to think of that last one. Even if he did hate me, I would still love him. I'll love him forever and ever.

"Lachlan!" Two arms were around my stomach. They let go and I turned around to see Vikk, smiling up at me. "Vikk!" I literally picked him up off the ground. "I'm so happy you made it!" He said when I let him go. "I'm s happy I'm here!" I answered. "So, wanna go home?" He asked. "Sure!" I answered, grabbing my suitcase and following him towards the exit.

<At Vikk's house (Not with the Sidemen)>

"Here it is!" Vikk swung his front door open. I stepped inside, and looked around. It was a very nice and neat house. "Your room would be over here!" he brought me over to a door. I opened it and set my bag on the bed, then turned to face Vikk, who still stood in the doorway. ""What do you wanna do?" I asked. "Whatever you want!" He said, then paused. "Because you are the guest, I mean." He sounded more cautious. I shrugged it off and walked out of the room with him, already debating something to do.

<3 days later>

It's been a great time here in London so far, but now that I've been here a few days, Vikk's life is becoming more normal again. Like back to his daily routines. I could tell he was so tired, and he stressed himself so much. It was almost unhealthy. So one day, before Vikk could start his daily thing, I pulled him aside. "You said you would do whatever I wanted because I was the guest right?" I asked quick. "Yeah of course!" He answered. "Perfect. You are staying with me all day. You stress yourself too much. So today, no stress!" I said, letting his arm go. "No, Lachlan, I have stuff to do, and-" "Not anymore! Come on, Vikk. Please?" I begged. He sighed. "Your lucky I love you." He walked towards the living room. I was about to follow, but his words hit me in the face. He loved me? What!? I mean, I'm not complaining, if he even really meant it. I'm sure he didn't. On second thought, it was probably just the moment. And he probably meant friend-wise. How I really hoped he meant more then that.

Switch: Vikk's POV

I tried to get out of the room as fast as possible. I just told him I loved him. I freaking told him! I mean, I did. But I was scared to show it, because if he didn't love me I would most likely lose him. I couldn't bare it. If I couldn't be with him, I'd still want him with me. I'd keep him in my life one way or another. A minute or so after I walked into the living room, Lachlan followed. I sat down on the couch and pointed to a rack in the corner. "Movie?" I asked. He nodded and picked a disc off the shelf and slid it into the DVD player. Then he flopped down next to me. As the movie started, he stretched his arm around me and pulled me closer. I didn't reject.

Lachlan was right. I stressed to much. Nights when I did, I stayed up late into the night and got little sleep. The past couple of nights have been that way. So half way through the movie, I closed my eyes and cuddled up into Lachlan's chest. I was about to fall asleep when I felt Lachlan shift under me, and then I was moving. He had picked me up bridal style and was carrying me somewhere. Seconds later I was on a bed, I assumed my own. "Sleep well, my little Vikk." He kissed my forehead. "I love you." He whispered that last part, and I couldn't help but smile. "Really, Lachlan?" He spun around and faced me, I sat up a little. "Oh, Vikk. Oh, Vikk. I'm so sorry.... I didn't mean.... I mean I did.... But I... I'll just go." He turned again and walked to the door. "No!" I yelled. He stopped in his tracks. "Come back here." He slowly walked backwards until he was sitting on my bed. "Did you mean it?" I asked. His face was bright red, and he wouldn't make eye contact with me. "Yes." He said, barely audible. "Yes, Vikk. Yes I love you. I love you I love you I love you." He said, still with out looking at me. In fact, he looked everywhere but me. I cupped his face in my hands and turned him towards me. "I love you too." Then I leaned in and kissed him. My mind was screaming, my heart was exploding and my lips begged for more. I thought if I ended it I would simply cry. But eventually, we did break away. He had the stupidest smile on his face, and I know I did too. "Well, no that that's settled... You need sleep babe." He said. I felt my fave get hot as he said the word "babe". I laid down and grabbed his wrist. "Stay?" I pleaded. He grinned and nodded. He slid in next to me and I curled into his chest, falling asleep to the sound of his breathing.

Hello everyone! It's been absolutely ages since I've written a one shot! I hope you all liked it. Love you guys, see you next time! ~Rosie

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