Vikklan: I Choose You

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This ones gonna be a bit longer! ;)

~Vikks POV~

I'd been dating Lachlan for a year and a half now, I loved him more then life it's self. I loved his hair, smile, accent, voice, body, and everything else about him. He was perfect. I would do anything for him. It was nearing the holidays in the UK, where we lived in a nice house together. The pack and the rest of our friends were coming here to visit for New Years, Mostly because I had something special planned. My plan was hiding somewhere in the house where I know Lachlan wouldn't ever find it. Me and Lachlan celebrated Christmas together, but immediately after we began setting up for the arrival of our friends. We set up the two guest bedrooms for the Merome and Poofless duos, and the couch would go to Choco. As salty as I was, Mat and Ali couldn't make it. Me and Lachlan spent the next few days tidying up our place and preping. The morning that Preston, Mitch, and Rob were supposed to be coming in, Lachlan was still frantically cleaning. I snuck up behind him and stood on my tip-toes to reach up and cover his eyes. He was a hell of a lot taller then me. "Vikk!" He whined, stretching out the "I" in my name. "I'm just trying to lighten up the mood of my little Lachy!" I said. "Says the one who's standing on his toes to reach me." Lachlan said and turned around, facing me. "Come on man, you can stop cleaning for a couple minutes. I demand it!" I said, trying to sound strong. "Yeah? How you gonna do that?" He asked. I immediately crashed our lips together, and at first he jumped, but then melted into it. After a couple minutes of passionate kissing, I pulled away. "Toché!" He said breathlessly. i grabbed him by the hand and started pulling him towards our front door. "We need to pick up Rob, Mitch, and Preston from the airport." I said as I tossed him his jacket. We walked out the front door and hopped into my car and drove to the airport. Mitch, Preston and Rob caught the same flight from Montreal. Because Poofless was a thing too, Rob and Preston lived together in Montreal. Lachlan and I waited by the gate for the signs of our friends. Finally, when the plane landed and people started to get off, i caught Mitch out of the corner of my eye. "Mitch!" I yelled, waving my hands. He waved to me, grabbed Preston and Rob who had just appeared, and started to make his was over to us. "Hey guys! How's it going?" Mitch asked as he pulled me into a hug. "Not bad man! Yourself?" I asked. Pretty great. I need to talk to you later,without everyone else hearing. Nothing bad, I promise." he whispered as Lachlan greeted Preston and Rob. "Sounds like a plan. Preston, how's ya going you cactus!" I laughed as Preston came to say hi to me. "Long time no see! I feel like it's been centuries." Preston smiled. Finally Rob made his approach to me. "Hey man! How are things?" He asked. "Great you?" I asked. "Simply wonderful, only because I have my cactus by my side 24/7." he said, pulling Preston to his side. "God, the cuteness of you two makes me sick." Lachlan said from behind me, leaning is hands on my head. "Doods! Mitch. Is. Tired. Lez Go!" Mitch said, dragging me and Lachlan by the sleeves. "Mitch! You spent the entire plane ride sleeping!" Rob laughed. Mitch rolled his eyes. "I know. I'm also really hungry." he replied as we waited for their luggage at baggage claim. Once we got all their things and were packed into the car, we started driving home. "So anything new from you guys?" Lachlan asked. "Not much. Mat was complaining so much that we were gonna be here and he was stick back I. Canada." Mitch said grinning. "I for one, and glad to get away from the jag master admiral, even for a few days. As much as I love the guy, he's always pulling pranks on us." Preston smiled. We finally made it back to mine and Lachlans place. We walked in and I showed everyone the arrangements while Lachlan got snacks and drinks. With the guys behind me, I walked up stairs. "Poofless to the right, Merome will be to the left once Jerome gets here. Preston and Rob went into their room, so i followed Mitch into his. "You said you wanted to talk to me?" I asked. "Oh right. I wanted to know everything about this plan of yours. I know what's happening, but I don't know how." Mitch grinned. "Oh. It's a surprise. You'll haveli wait and see." I said. "C'mon Vikk! Please?" He asked. "Nope!" I shook my head and walked back down to the kitchen where Lachlan was pouring a bag of chips into a bowl. "Hey!" I said, giving him a peck on the lips. I tried to get around him to the cupboard so I could start pouring drinks, but Lachlan grabbed my arm and spun me into him, connecting our lips. i heard a slight chuckle from behind us and pulled away. Mitch was laughing, Rob was smiling and Preston was grinning. "And you said we were disgusting!" Preston joked. I finally got by Lachlan and pulled out cups from the cupboard. I passed them around our island table where the guys were now standing. Then I passed around bottles of soda, lemonade and other drinks. After drinking and eating and talking for a while, we decided to watch a movie. We scrolled through the channels and decided on some comedy I had never seen before. Once the movie was over, it was pretty late, so we called it a night. I hopped up the stairs and into mine and Lachlans room and changed into pajama pants and a old shirt. Lachlan came in when I had my shirt off and was changing. I didn't see him walk in, and he whistled, catching my attention. I looked up and blushed at Lachlan, who was staring at me. "God Vikk why you so Perfect?" He asked, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me. He let go eventually and started to change as well. I stared at him now. I smiled to myself as I thought "Tomorrow is the big day." "Hey! What are you smiling at?" Lachlan asked, catching my grin. "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how amazing you are." I smiled. "Not as amazing as you." he retorted. "Lachy we can do this all night, I'll never let you win." I said as I climbed into our bed. he crawled in next to me and curled up into his chest. He wrapped is arms around me and whispered "Goodnight Vikk. I love you." I smiled and whispered back. "Goodnight Lachy. I love you more." he nodded. "Sure." he said and yawned, telling me he wasn't even gonna try to protest against me. "You win before, I win now." he whispered. After a couple minutes, I felt his breathing slow, so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep beside him.

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