A Rosy Thanksgiving

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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving, American Rosebuds! I just felt like I had to write a little something to my internet friends, and everyone who I haven't made myself fully aquatinted with yet. Much love to all <3

I don't think I'd ever been so happy in my life. My best friends, everyone I love, was here in front of me, in person. It was so damn great not having to talk to them all through a screen. Even though we'd all spent the real Thanksgiving with our families, the day after was equally as special for all of us.

Everyone I'd ever considered a friend was here. I just sat in the middle of it all, watching everyone else. Victory and Lucy were playfully arguing over ships. Shiloh was talking to Maddie and Rob. Em and Moose were flirting in the corner. Danie and Hope weren't in my vision, but I didn't wanna know where they were (;D). Kay was getting to know Amber (and probably fangirling way too much). Both of the Jas's and Silver were laughing at something CC had said. Gracie, Wild, Sierra and Madi were standing by the windows, watching the sun fall in the sky. Johanna, Silv and Zama were in the kitchen, not-so-subtly sneaking desert.

I loved being in this atmosphere, with all these people. Some of them I'd met right when I started my "career" on Wattpad and had stuck with me through everything. Some of them I met in the past month, but grew to love them anyway. I couldn't be any more thankful for the journey I'd taken and for those who came along for the ride.

And of course, it wouldn't have happened without those ten little YouTubers who'd taken over all of our minds. But I can't really tell them I'm thankful for them the same way I can tell everyone else, can I?

Anyway... The point of all this? Tell the ones I love, that I do. I love them all more than anything, and I'd do anything for them. But words don't really explain how I feel, and I don't think being with them does either. I just want them to know I love them, and that I'm so grateful for them.

So I stood up in the center of the madness, and said it. I tried to tell them how I loved them. But like I said, my words didn't do much. So I left them with my best hopes and wishes for their lives and futures, my never ending love and a huge smile.


This Thanksgiving, I'm giving my thanks to the ones who deserve it most. You.


So, hey Rosebuds, I'm gonna apologize for that godawful attempt at a oneshot and just cut straight to it. I love you all so much. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, even if I didn't mention your name or have never formally met you (feel free to PM me any time <3). You all mean the world to me, and I wouldn't be where I am without you. I can't tell you how much all your love and support means to me. I'm forever grateful to all of you. Never forget that your loved, guys, because I love you so much. So until next time, I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving, and much love. ~Rosie

Those mentioned:
Madi- she kinda shares this account with me <3
Lucy- minecraft_geek13
Victory- AwkwardPanda250
Em- RoyalCloudPotato
Moose- Parislily147
Danie- EnderInfinityYT
Hope- hopestar524
Silver- Silveryo
Kay- Troyler_xo
Amber- amberstars
Silv- silvvisin
Maddie- AtenoffYoToes
Gracie- GracieBerndt
Johanna- SDMNPack
Zama- ZamaThePerson
Jasmine- TBNRjasmine
Jas- jasjas_26
CC- cottencloud
Rob- FlamingRavenclaw
Shiloh- FinalScripts
Wild- MCWildflowers
Sierra- sierrranicolee

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