BajanUniverseLox: Angels

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A/N:  wow look at this mess of a ship woo

It isn't even an OT3.. It's kind of a brOT3


I'm convinced everyone has a guardian angel. Everyone on Earth has that person who is constantly there to pretty much save your life.

Except, by some miracle, I was blessed with two.

Ty and Mitch were always there. Always. One, the other, or both, it was overly comforting to know that I had someone to fall on.

I'd end up stressed, upset, sad, anxious, or combinations of those, and I'd turn to Mitch or Ty right away. They'd talk me down until I was calm, they'd hold me until I stopped crying.

And I'd do the same for them.

At least, I'd try. I'd do my best to comfort them like they did for me. I tried to help sort through Ty's troubles. I tried to make Mitch smile that gorgeous smile. I don't think I did very well, but I tried.

It's the thought that counts, right?

They said I meant as much to them as they meant to me. For a while, I believed it. But then, it really registered.

Mitch and Ty meant the world to me. I'd give up anything and everything for them. Ty could punch me in the face and I'd still follow him around like a lovesick puppy. Mitch could tell me to jump off a bridge, and I'd do it. I'd blindly follow those two to the ends of the earth.

I loved them, I really did. The best brothers a guy could ask for.

But, of course, with loving comes fear.

What happens if I lose them?

The answer wasn't hard to figure out.

I lose myself too.

That would be unbearable. That's why I try. Because I'm selfish. Because I care way too much and I need those two needs to keep myself sane. There isn't life without Ty or Mitch.

I've been convinced there are angels on Earth.

I've seen them, met them, became friends with them, loved them.

They're there.

I hope you find yours. I really do. Because they're amazing. They're perfect. Their the best thing that'll ever happen to you.

And I found mine.

Short and sweet. Feeling the things. Yeah. Much love as always, ~Rosie

P.S. I'm tired. I'll fix typos tomorrow

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