Prestlan/TBNRDuty: Together Always

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A/N: Quick note, whatever is written like this is a flashback. Normal is present time.

Gone. That's what he was. And that's what I wanted to be. I just wanted someone to love me again. I wanted to love someone again. But no one was like him. No one can replace the beautiful boy I lost. No one can pull me from the hole his death left me in. No one can save me. No one can pull me from the edge.

"Preston!" He shouted, running around the island table in attempt to get away from me. "Love me!" I shouted, jumping over the table and into his arms. "Okay baby." He smiled as he lifted me up and spun me around. "Stop it! Put me down!" I giggled, but hoping he never let me go. "I'll stop spinning. But I'll never put you down. I love you." He said, staring up into my eyes. "I love you more." I answered, leaning down and kissing his lips lightly. "I'll never leave you, we'll be together, always." He said when I pulled away. "Together, always." I repeated. And I meant it. I could see in his eyes that he did too.

"Together, always." I whispered to myself as I peered over the drop I was about to take. "You promised me. I promised you. I'll always keep my promise." I kept whispering, as if he was standing beside me. As if he could hear me. As if he'd save me from myself.

"Preston Blaine Arsement, you are the love of my life. I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as you, nor will I ever. You're my one and only. My world. My universe. I couldn't live without you. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives, love you and take care of you and keep you in my arms forever. Preston, will you make me the happiest man alive, and say you'll marry me?" He was on one knee, diamond ring in his hands, dresses up in a tux and hair pushed back, eyes shining with hope. "Yes! I love you so much! A thousands times yes!" I replied, jumping up and down and throwing my arms around him and kissing him over and over again. "I love you so much. Together?" He asked. I smiled as I kissed him again. "Always."

"If only you knew that I couldn't live without you either." I said, backing away from the drop. "Together, always, my love. I'm coming." I glanced to the cliff ahead. "Preston! Don't you dare!" I heard a voice behind me shout. I looked behind me and saw my best friend running my way. "I'm sorry Rob. I miss him to much. Thanks for trying, for caring. See you someday." I yelled, and took a few steps back. "No! Prest-" he was too far back to catch me. His pleas were cut short. I waited for the sweet release by thinking of his name. And the name I had taken. My final thought before I hit the bottom was the same words he said to me every night before we slept. It helped me relax and fall asleep. Preston and Lachlan Power, Together, Always.

Troyler_xo did i do good senpai? Love me. Together, Always, he jumped, no one caught him, he died before the wedding. All the sadness bae, just for you XD. I was in a bad mood, I wrote sadness. Sorry Rosebuds, much love, ~Rosie <3

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