The Ultimate OT11

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A/N: Get ready bitches. Y'all gonna get your minds blown.

To my husband FinalScripts and our child Just_Canada <3 I didn't forget!


If you asked me how it all happened, I'm sure I would not be able to tell you.

What stared as some YouTubers hanging out after a convention blossomed into more than it ever should have.

Right now, there were lots of things going on right now.

Quentin and Jason were sitting on the couch across from me, Jason wrapped happily in Q's arms as the both of them repeatedly leaned in to peck the other's lips softly.

Mitch and Rob weren't doing much of anything, considering they were both asleep. But Rob has tucked himself into Mitch, and Mitch held him in that overprotective, he's-mine-and-you-won't-touch-him kinda way.

To turn the heat up a little, Ian had Preston pinned to the wall, the duo passionately making out. Every once and a while I could hear Preston's muffled moans of 'daddy', which made me laugh.

Ty and Vikk were no where to be found. Quite honestly, I didn't want to know where they were. They could be fucking in the bathroom or on a plane to Vegas to get drunkenly married. The world may never know.

That left Jerome, Lachlan and I. Jerome was sitting beside me, and Lachlan lay across us. I had my head on Jerome's shoulder and my hand combing through Lachlan's fluffy hair. Jerome threw an around me and started tapping his fingers against my shoulders lightly. I couldn't help smiling.


After a group dinner -one that consisted of 20% eating, 35% banter, 15% actual plans for the near future and another 30% sex jokes- all eleven of us walked back to our hotel.

Lachlan literally dragged Jason into an elevator, and before the door even shut they were sucking face. "Don't let them hear the end of that." Ian mumbled with a grin as the two disappeared. "Are you kidding?" Jerome looked over at Ian. "We all heard Preston moaning 'daddy' for you." Preston blushed dark red, turning into Mitch and hiding his face. "Aw, baby boy..." I heard Mitch whisper. Suddenly, Ian swept Vikk off his feet and grinned. "We're headed up." Ian carried Vikk into an elevator and headed up to someone in the group's room.

Out of no where, Quentin grabbed Jerome's arm and pulled him away, without saying a word. No one even bothered to question it. All we got was Jerome's flash of a smirk as the lift door shut.

Not even seconds after, Ty jumped on Rob's back. "Can I stay with you, Angel?" Ty asked, grinning when Rob's cheeks flushed. "Of course, babydoll." Rob replied, and it was Ty's turn to blush. Rob turned and walked off with
Ty still on his back, Ty leaning down to whisper in Rob's ear. I didn't even want to know what they were on about... I was just glad my room wasn't near theirs.

Mitch looked between Preston and I. "There's no way your sleeping alone tonight," he said to me. "You'll come with us, right?" Preston turned and leaned into me instead, letting his hands roam up my chest. "C'mon, Adam..." He whispered, his energetic brown eyes lookin up to meet my green ones. "Y-Yeah, of course." I replied, glancing between the two. "Good. C'mon, Pressy..." Mitch grabbed Preston off me, pulling him towards an elevator. I followed behind.

As soon as the doors shut again, Preston was back in front of me again, smiling slightly. "You're warm, Adam..." He mumbled, picking up my arm and putting it over his shoulder. I chuckled, and so did Mitch. I gestured the Canadian over to me, extending my other arm. Mitch stepped closer and cuddled into my other side, sliding an arm around my waist.

I held them until the elevator reached our floor. Mitch let me go, so I picked Preston up in my arms. He squealed and hung on as I followed Mitch to his room.

Preston was taken from me as I kicked the door shut, and I laughed when Mitch threw him onto the bed and started tickling him.

In moments, it was a 2v1, witch Preston all alone. He was laughing and hiccuping and spitting barely coherent requests to stop. It was quite adorable.

Once that had died down and we are all settled, the three of us under the covers, Preston pointed upward. "Meeeetchell," he groaned, "Ty got Rob to fuck hiiiiim." I nearly choked. "Fucks sake. Yesterday it was Quentin, then Vikk, and now Rob? Jesus, that little bastard is horny." Mitch complained, and I laughed.

"Though, I wouldn't mind falling victim to Ty..." Preston stared up at the ceiling, at where Ty and Rob's room apparently was. "Me either. Anyone, really." I muttered, grinning. "Some other time, both of you." Mitch said. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Aw, boys..." Preston yawned, curling into my side. "I'm tired." "Sleep, baby boy. Adam and I will both be right here when you wake up." Mitch answered, running his hand down Preston's back. Preston nodded, and before we knew it he was asleep.

Mitch and I talked about how cute he was, along with the others, before Mitch fell asleep mid-sentence. I chuckled, closing my eyes and smiling.

Today is a good day.

Awkward ending because I need to get this out of my drafts ASAP k thnks bye

Much love as always, ~R <3

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