NoochZaHutt: Beach Day..?

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A/N: I was sleeping and then I had this dream and I was so happy and then my brother woke me up and don't even ask why I was dreaming about this. I was asleep at my beach house so bam there's the setting and the idk when isn't NoochZaHutt on my mind so yep ^.^

#Mat's POV#

Mitch and Jerome invited the Pack and friends down to Florida with them for a solid month, that's how I wound up at the beach with my eight best friends and my crush. Yes... I was falling for one of my best friends. Ugh, when the struggle is real, you know? Aside from the struggle of my love life, I was happily standing along the edge of the water watching the other ships, beside my mentioned crush.

Kenny and Choco were lazy under the umbrellas and on the blankets, Choco reading a book and Kenny on his phone. I couldn't help but notice they were both doing what they did one-handed, while the other hand was intertwined with the other boy's. Low key, but still noticeable. Nice try, Kenoco.

Vikk and Lachlan were playing paddle board or something, hitting the tiny plastic ball back and forth with wooden rackets. Vikk went and dove for the save, and Lachlan was there immediately to catch him after Vikk hit the ball. It was literally a movie scene, the smaller falls into the others arms and they stare into each other eyes forever. Classic, Vikklan.

Mitch and Jerome were in the waves alongside Preston, they three were splashing about and pushing each other in the waves. Jerome may not have noticed, but Mitch sure as hell knew what he was doing when he put his hands on Jerome's chest to push him in the water. But something told me Jerome knew, I could see the devilish smile on his face when he jumped at Mitch again. Smooth, Merome.

Rob stood beside me while Preston was with Merome, chatting with me and my crush, who stood on the other side of me. Rob kept longingly staring out at Preston, and Preston kept looking back and waving Rob out. Eventually, Preston came back, grabbed Rob's hand and pulled him out into the tides. You can't stay away from each other for long, can you Poofless?

By now I think it's been figured out. Who's left to stand beside me on the coastline? You guessed it, the one and only Petey Hutt Junior. Yes, you heard me right, I was falling for Brandon.

"Dood. Tell me your seeing Kenny and Choco right now." Brandon leaned over and whispered, casually glancing behind us. "They can try to hide it, but it's so obvious. Hashtag Kenoco." I whispered back, grinning. "Hey, wanna take a walk along the other side of the beach?" He asked randomly. "Sure," I answered. "Yo Merome!" I yelled, and sure enough both Mitch and Jerome turned their heads. "We're going that way!" I called, pointing over my shoulder. "Okay! Use pro-" "Shut up!" Brandon and I yelled in unison, cutting off Jerome's answer. He smirked and went back to pushing Rob around in the water.

Brandon casually slung his arm over my shoulder we walked. "How's the warm weather going for your cold Canadian heart, Noochems?" Brandon asked, smiling at me. Honestly, that smile made my heart melt. "Oi, are you saying that because I'm Canadian, I've got a cold heart? Not all Canadians are jags, that's just Rob." I retorted, making him laugh that adorable laugh. "That may have been what I was implying. But I know you aren't cold hearted, you're too sweet. When you aren't trolling being the Jag Master." Too sweet? I thought. I'll go with it.

"Excuse me? Sweet refers to a candy or something, I am not 'sweet', Petey." I grinned. "Eh, sure you are. Super sweet to everyone, always making people laugh, keeping them happy. It's an adorable quality to have, Nooch." Brandon replied, and quickly blushing as he realized what he said. "T-Thanks." Stupid stutter!

"Can I tell you the truth, Mat?" Brandon asked shyly. "Of course, anything you need I'm here." I answered. "God, you saying that makes this so much harder." He said, smiling as he shook head. "What's up, buddy?" I asked, cringing to myself at the word 'buddy'. "I'm gonna be straight up with this, Nooch. I... I'm gay." Now, this took me back. "What?" I asked, unable to say much else. "Yep." He nodded. "Can I tell you something as well?" I asked with a smile. "Anything." "I'm gay too."

His worried look changed into a bright smile, wrapping his arms around me as he laughed. "Well, my life was made somewhat easier from that." I grinned.
"Do any of the others know?"
I asked. "Yeah. I told Poofless. You?" He answered. "Me, myself, and Merome." I replied. "Ha, well. I still have one more thing to tell you, Noochems." He said, losing the smile again. "What's up?" I asked. "Don't leave me?" He asked quietly, I think more of a question than he intended it to be. "I would never, Petey." I answered. He sadly smiled. "So you say. But Mat... I-I love you. Like... I'm madly, head-over-heels in love with you."

Again, I was taken back. He loved me? What? "I'm sorry... I just had to tell you. Y-You can leave... Everyone else does." Brandon whispered, and I could tell he was trying not to let tears fall. "Petey... I would never leave. I love you. I love you, and I can't tell you how good it feels to say that." I smiled, the most heartfelt and loving smile I could possibly grin. "Really?" He asked. "Hell yeah, I love you so much." I replied, snaking an arm around his waist and continuously kissing his cheek. "Mat, they're are people here." He said, looking down. "You wanna walk back to the Merome house? I'll text Choco and tell them not to worry about us." He nodded, so I shot a quick text to the Chocobo and Brandon and I started walking off, hand in hand.

<This was my dream remember so random time skip XP>

Brandon closes the door behind us as we walked in, and we started towards the living room on instinct. He was walking behind me, so when I tripped over the carpet and fell, he followed.

"Shit." I mumbled, and Brandon burst out laughing. "S-Sorry. Are you o-okay?" He asked, laughing between each word. "Yeah, you?" I replied. "Uh huh." Them he looked around. "Quite the position we're in, eh Nooch?" He asked with a slight smirk. I looked down, seeing myself between his legs and his hands on either side of my head. "Indeed." I answered, maneuvering my arm so I could pull him down into a kiss.

<Magical dream world time skip of about ten minutes>

Things got pretty hot and spicy, leading to Brandon and I in a full on make-out session on Merome's living room floor, my shirt gone and me struggling to undo Brandon's belt. He was lightly grinding on me, making me moan and pull him down on me more. I reached down and started palming him through his jeans, him moaning at my touch. I kept my lips locked in his, eyes closed in pure pleasure.

I didn't have an intention on stopping until I felt a drop of liquid fall on my cheek. I opened my eyes again, Brandon had tears slowly falling from the corner of his eyes. "Brandon!" I said, pushing him off me lightly and watching as he sat up and put his face in his knees. "Brandon, did I hurt you? Are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" "It w-wasn't y-you, Mat... I-I thought I was r-rea-ready... I'm sorry." He cried, and I got up and wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry I pressured you, you'll be fine, babe, I promise. You'll be okay..." I coped, hoping to calm him down as he cried into my chest. "T-Thank you, M-Mat." He choked out, and I just hugged him tighter. "It's okay baby, it's okay..."


Brandon clutched onto me like I was a lifeline as I whispered sweet nothings into his ear until he completely calmed down, and he'd just become quiet in my arms as he slowly fell asleep. "Tired, Petey?" I asked with a smile. He yawned adorable and answered "Yeah... A little." I slowly stood up with him in my arms, and he squealed a little as I started up the stairs with him. "It's alright, I won't drop you, babe." I smiled, and brought him into the bedroom we were sharing. "Sleep well,
I'm sure the boys will be back when you wake up. God knows what they've got planned for tonight." I said quietly, kissing his forehead. "Stay?" He asked softly, and I knew I couldn't turn him down. I sighed and jumped into the bed behind him, my arms immediately wrapping around his waist. "Night Petey. I love you." I whispered into his hair. "Night Noochems, love you too."

Yep this is my mind ~Rosie <3

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