Things Have Changed

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A/N: this is harsh and kinda deep. Possibly triggering? Dunno. Just be warned.

You can imagine this in the perspective of whatever character you want. Originally, for me, it was going to be Brayden/TheCampingRusher. But anyone really works :)

Also, shouts to my mate JackVerm for really understanding.

. . .

I'm not the same as I used to be.

It hurts.


I used to be smart and able to keep on top of things. I used to have friends. I used to smile.

But I'm not. I don't. I can't.

I used to be proud of myself. I used to look in a mirror and be relatively okay with what I saw. But how the changed have turned, my glass all turned to shards as stabbed at me.

But now, I can only do what's socially acceptable.  Dress this way, say that, act like this. And don't you dare change that image.

Because it's all about your image, isn't it? They forced smile. The fake happiness. The 'this is me' when, really, it's not. It's not you at all.

It's not anyone.

Yet, that's what we 'are'? That's what's become the norm? Wearing a mask that hides your true self?


That's what they want it to be.

But no one is perfect. Nothing is. And honestly, nothing ever will be. It's impossible. So why try? Why bother making everyone perfect when no one can be? When the standard for 'perfect' will keep raising as we 'improve'?

I really do hate this. I wish I could break the label. I wish I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to without being judged.

In an ideal world, I could. I would. But this is not an ideal world.

Y'know, there are a few things that give me hope. Hope that humanity will change, and be the way it should. Hope that people will be better.

Though, I seem to need the news flash; they won't.

People will keep on judging. People will keep on living life for money. People will keep on loving for the looks. People will keep on lying for the popularity.

People will end up killing themselves.

And not because they don't like living anymore - though, they probably won't. People will slowly be ending population. Everything that made people unique will disappear. Everything that set us apart from animals will be gone.

And no one notices? No one sees humanity dwindling?

Apparently not.

Look around. Go on. Do you really know what's going on in your best friend's head? Are they really happy, outgoing, loving and living like they should be? Or is that just what they want you to think?

Food for thought.

We can't do this to ourselves anymore. We're all hurting. We're all breaking ourselves down piece by tiny little piece.

And soon, there won't be anything left to break.

What do we do then? What do we do when our best friends are gone? When the love of your life is falling apart? When your family has abandoned you?

Because no one is happy. Not really, not truly, not throughly.

The only people who could possibly be happy are the ones who made our lives hell.

The rich kid, the beauty queen, the bully. They're well off, not giving a fuck. All is well and good for people like them.

And then again, maybe it's not. They've for their own hell just like we do.

This has jumped all over the place, but to be honest I don't care.

If no one knows it's me, then I can spill my heart out.

And thats exactly what I did.

So take that, take all that. All your stereotypes and all your labels and all your 'perfect' images and shove it somewhere people will care.

Because I certainly don't.

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