Bajanless: Together

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Quick A/N: if you haven't noticed these are most likely gonna be all Pack one shots so I'm sorry ;-;

-•Rob's POV•-

I stared at the clock as the final seconds of school ticked away. "5...4...3...2..." The class counted down. I turned my stare to the boy across the room. His hazel eyes flashed in excitement as he smiled back at me. The bell echoed through the room, and everyone cheered. School is over. I sighed in relief. Suddenly there was a body on my desk. They boy across the room. My best friend. My crush. Mitch. "Happy summer?" I said, shoving the rest of my books and stuff into my backpack. "Happy summer!" Mitch practically screamed back. "Someone's excited." I said, pushing him off my desk and stepping beside him. "No, it's only summer! Our last one before we've gotta worry about collage!" Mitch answered, and together we started walking towards the front of the building. "Yeah... I guess so. Summer!" I cheered, finally getting some of Mitch's enthusiasm. "There it is!" He laughed and shoved my shoulder a bit. "So, Robert. How do you want to spend this glorious summer?" He asked S we stepped out into the sun. I want to spend it with you, I thought.

The thing with Mitch is... Well, I don't know. Even though he's my best friend, I loved him. More then a guy should love his best friend. There was his perfect hair, bright eyes, beautiful smile, and everything else. I loved him. Problem was, as cliché as it is, he didn't love me as I loved him. The possibility for us to be a thing was there, in the very very slightest. I knew his sexuality, he knew mine. They were the same. And I liked guys. So maybe... Just maybe.

"How about he head to the river? First swim of the summer?" Mitch suggested. "I can tell Preston and Jerome too meet us there." I nodded. I loved going through the woods and swimming in the river. Everything always seemed so peaceful and relaxing. "Sure, sounds like a plan." I said, turning into the road that led to the woods. Mitch took out his phone and texted Preston and Jerome while we walked. "What do you have planned for the summer?" I asked. "I dunno. Mostly hanging out with you, dood." he said. My heart skipped a beat. He didn't mean just you, Rob. Calm down, he doesn't like you. The small voices in my head scolded me. "Yeah, I'm just that exciting." I replied as if it wasn't a big deal. "You are, though. Either that, or everyone else is extremely boring." Mitch said, slinging an arm around my shoulders. "Even Preston and Jerome?" I asked, grinning. "Sometimes..." Mitch rolled his eyes and returned the grin. "Wow, that's just darude." I said, raising my eyebrows. "Eh, whatever. I think they can take it. Besides, they know I like you the most." He winked, and my stomach did a backflip. "Yeah, but I like Preston a little more then you..." I teased, poking him in the ribs. He gasped and put a hand to his heart like I'd just stabbed him. "The pain..." He whispered. "Nah, Mitch, c'mon. You know I love you the most." I said. He nearly stopped dead in his tracks. "You alright, Mitch?" I tried to pull him forward. "Y-Yeah, uh, lets go." He said, starting to walk faster. We made it to the entrance to the woods and stepped through the trees, and Mitch waited a moment for me to catch up. As I joined his side again, I thought about what I said that would make him stop short. 'You know I love you the most,' I said in my head again. Then it hit me. I literally smacked myself in the face. I said love. What was I thinking? Well, no, clearly I wasn't thinking. I reminded myself that I needed to think more, then glanced off at Mitch. He stared at the ground as he walked, clearly lost in thought. "You okay, Mitch buddy?" I asked, putting my arm around his shoulders. He jumped at my touch, then smiled at me. "I'm good, dood. Just thinking." he responded. "Whatcha thinking 'bout?" I asked, leaning my head in his shoulder and looking up at him. "Nothing important, really." He said casually. "C'mon, Mitch. You were all to focused on the dirt for it to be nothing." I said, standing up straight again. "Nah, man. It's all good." He put his arm around me, and we continued walking, both of us under the others arm.

We walked for another two minutes until we could hear the river rushing, and two other voices. "Preston and Jerome beat us." Mitch fake pouted. "Well, we can't keep them waiting!" I said, pulling him a bit faster. "I don't know, maybe they're hooking up." Mitch wiggles his eyebrows. "Yeah, like that's what would happen." I rolled my eyes. Mitch and I made it to the edge of the clearing that the river ran through the heart of. Just before stepping out, something grabbed me and pulled me downwards. Mitch tripped on something, and because we'd still had our arms around each other, he brought me down with him. He hit the ground first, and I landed on top of his. I barely had time to maneuver myself so that I didn't completely crush him. I was able to keep us from going face to face, but the rest of our bodies lined up. We were chest to chest, and it looked like I'd just barely been able to move my head to the side, so it was resting on his shoulder. "You alright?" He whispered without moving. "Fine, you?" I answered. "Okay." He said. Neither of us moved. I just laid there on top of him, and he didn't push me off or try to get up. When I heard one of the other guys' voices, I finally moved. "We should probably... I'm sorry... I didn't mean...." I started to push myself up. My arms pinned Mitch to the ground as I used them to push myself up, and he stayed perfectly still. "Sorry, Rob. That was all me, I pulled us down. I didn't-" he tried to apologize. "It's okay, Mitch. Now c'mon." I had gotten up, and I offered my hand to help him. He took it, and I pulled him up towards me. He stared at me for a second, a blank expression on his face. He looked like he was about to say something, but then decided against it. He just turned and stepped out into the clearing.

"Hey, about time!" Preston called as he noticed the two of us. "Took you long enough. Did you stop to make out along the way?" Jerome asked. Mitch shot a glare at him, but I laughed. "Wow, Mitch. We got busted." I said, setting my backpack down along the riverbank. "Called it!" Jerome said, swimming towards the bank Mitch and I sat on. He and Preston were already swimming around the river. "God, Jerome, your too good. How did you know?" I asked, slipping off my sneakers and socks. "I can tell by the way Mitch is blushing as you take your shirt off." Jerome said as I slipped my shirt over my head. I immediately wanted to put it back on. Why was Mitch blushing at me? It was me. "I am not!" Mitch said, trying to hide his face. "Oh, you totally are!" Preston laughed, swimming up next to Jerome. "Shut up, am not." Mitch put turned back, and I could see that he was slowly turning pink. "Aw, Mitch, you like what you see?" I said standing up. "Yes, exactly." Mitch rolled his eyes. "I know, I'm beautiful." I winked and dove into the river.

We swam for about an hour before Preston and Jerome had to go, their mother needed them home. (A/N: they're brothers XP) We said our goodbyes, and Jerome and Preston walked back towards their entrance to the clearing. That left Mitch and I in the river. We floated around in silence for a little while, before my phone went off. I leaned on the edge of the river, reached into my bag, and pulled out my phone. My brother texted me, said my parents needed me. "I gotta go, Mitch." I said, pulling myself from the cool water. "Oh, okay. I'll walk back with you?" He said, jumping from the water next to me. "Okay."

We got our stuff together and made it back through the woods. We walked down the road again, and when we got to the place where the two of us had to split off, we stopped. "See you tomorrow, Robby?" Mitch laughed. "Couldn't imagine summer any other way." I responded. He looked at me for a quick second, before kissing me on the cheek. "Bye dood!" He said, turning so his back was to me, and started walking off. I stood there in shock. What just happened? Did Mitch actually just... What? My mind raced. I probably looked creepy just standing at the corner of the street staring off into nothing, so I started walking towards his house.

He was already a good way ahead of me, because I stood at that corner for so long. I texted my brother that I'd be home in a half hour. I made it to Mitch's house probably about ten minutes after he did. I knocked on his door, and his younger brother Connor opened it up for me. "Hi Rob!" Conner greeted me. "Hey Connor, is Mitch home?" I asked, even though I knew he was. "He's in his room. Weren't you just with him, though?" Connor asked, moving out of the doorway. "Yeah, but I forgot I needed to ask him something. I'll go as soon as I talk to him." I promised. "Oh, I don't care whether or not you stay! You can stay as long as you want!" Connor said. He was like the little brother I never had. "Thanks buddy." I ruffled his hair, and he laughed. I started waking up the stairs towards Mitch's room. I could tell he was inside, I could hear music. I knocked three times. "Yeah?" He called. "Open up!" I yelled back. I heard footsteps, then he swung the door open. "Rob? I thought you had to go?" He said. "Yeah, but I have a question. Meant to ask before." I said stepping into his room and closing the door behind me. "What's up, buddy?" He asked, flopping down on his bed. "I... Uh..." I hadn't thought this far ahead. "Um... why did you kiss me?" I asked. I sounded like a complete idiot. "Oh... About that..." He said. I still stood by the doorway, and he got up and stood in front of me. "I... I'm sorry. I felt... I don't know what I feel. I didn't mean it to be... However your feeling it was." he stuttered. But I thought his struggle to tell me how he felt was cute. "You didn't mean it to be cute?" I asked. He was staring at the ground. "No, I... What?" He started to look up at me. "You... What?" He was so confused, as I laughed. "Mitch, your adorable." I said. "You... I..." He couldn't finish a sentence, which made me laugh more. "Will this shut you up?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me, so we were chest to chest. Then I softly pressed my lips on his. It wasn't a full-blown, making out kiss, but just a soft, slow one. I felt a million things at once. Love, shock, my heart exploding, passion, and pure happiness. When we finally broke, he stared straight at me. "Did you... You didn't just..." He was still trying to work everything out. "Mitch, I was trying to get you to stop talking!" I laughed as the confusion returned to his face. "Sorry." he put his head down. "Don't be sorry, your fine as you are." I lifted his chin. Then he flung his arms around me and kissed me again. I smiled, and he did too. He dropped his hands from my neck to around my stomach and leaned his head on my chest. "Have you always... liked me?" He asked. "For a good while, yes." I said. "Good. Because I've loved you for, like, ever." he answered. "I've loved you, I love you, I will love you. Together, or apart." I said. "Forever, together." He said back. I kissed the top of his head. "Forever, together."

This goes to Lucy bb, Chocobae, KV, and Cecelia. Lol I hope you all enjoyed, my lovely Rosebuds, I'll try to write her more often from now on. Much love, ~Rosie

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