(Parent)Poofless: Drama

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_=Rosie's POV=_

I curled up on my bed and threw my phone at the wall, crying out. I hated everyone. I wasn't even exaggerating. I had no one left. All my friends were overdramatic, attention seeking, non-caring people. We were all amazing, the best of friends, non-blood sisters. One little jag had to come and pry us apart out of pure jealously. And now, here I was, bawling my eyes out over the loss of my "friends."

"Rosie, sweetie, are you okay? Can you open the door?" My father asked, knocking on the door. "N-No." I chocked, and I heard him sigh. "C'mon honey, we wanna help you." My other dad said, lightly knocking on the door. "F-Fine." I wiped my eyes and stood up shakily, unlocking my door so my parents could get in. Before they opened the door, I jumped back onto my bed and buried my face in my pillows. "Oh, Rosie..." Dad sighed, seeing me in a heap on my bed. "Rosie, what happened?" Père asked, rubbing my back. ((A/N: Père is French for father. Yes, I did have to Google that XD)) "Everyone." I said into my pillow. "Rosie, come here." Père pulled me out of the pillows and into his lap, hugging me tight. His light stubble hit my cheeks, but I didn't care. He just continues to sob into his shoulder while Dad continued to rub my back. "Its okay sweetie... let it out..." Dad said. And I did. I soaked a spot on Père's shirt when I pulled out of his embrace. "Preston, can you grab the tissues?" Père asked Dad. Dad nodded and handed me the box, so I took a few and blew my nose and wiped my eyes. "Can you tell us what happened, baby girl?" Dad asked. I smiled slightly, he's always called me that when I was upset. He saw my slight smile and grinned right back. "Okay... what's wrong?" Père asked again. "Here it goes..." I mumbled, starting my story.

"Basically, Mia was dating Beck and they broke up because Beck found out Lila liked him and Mia is raging on me at the moment for no freaking reason. She keeps texting them and antagonizing them and getting mad at their answers, and she sends me their responses, like I don't I don't give a fudge about your stupid problems! Leave me out! You're overreacting anyway! And now, Lila and Beck broke up anyway. And on another hand, Erica and Tommy broke up and that's gonna be super awkward considering they live down the street from us, from each other. And Erica won't stop crying and complaining even though she broke up with him. Like, just stop! And completely unrelated to relationships, I'm losing my friends! I've just grown distant. Malory, Abby, Lulu, and Jenna are distant memories. Raya and Flare are too. I just... Everything is stressing me out, and everyone's falling apart! But it's probably my fault. I'm always locked up in my writing and my books, I just push them away, I guess? I don't know. Everything's just slipping through my fingers."

I didn't notice but I'd started to cry again. Everything was just so stressful, I didn't know what to do. Crying was the only thing that seemed to make me feel the slightest bit better.

"Well... Wanna hear a story? When Uncle Jerome and Uncle Mitch were younger, when we still did YouTube with Uncle Vikk and Uncle Lachlan and them, Mitch and Jerome lived together in Florida." Dad started, flashing a quick smirk to Père. "When your Uncles and the two of us were in the group we called "The Pack", when Robby and I were only a joke," Dad continued, using Père's real name. "Mitch and Jerome tried out the whole dating thing. And believe it or not, they broke up. Rosie, they lived together. And you think Erica and Tommy will be awkward?" I couldn't help laughing. Thinking of my Uncles avoiding each other, or not even being together, just made me laugh. The "Merome" duo was inseparable. I still called them that, because my parents did, Uncle Vikk and Uncle Lachlan did too, and because I was definitely a fangirl.

"There's that smile." Père said, smiling with me. I wiped my eyes and brushed my hair out of my face, smiling again. "Look, don't let Mia's bull-shrimp bother you. Just ignore her, if she gets extremely overdramaticly annoying -because based on past experience, we both know she can- just tell her to quit it. It's not worth it. And I'm sure Beck and Lila aren't that big of a deal. We know Lila has issues." I laughed at this, because Dad remembered the time Lila punched me in the face when we were younger. And probably the other times she's started drama with me and my friends.

"As for your friends like Jenna and Malory? Well, they'll always be there. If they can't take the fact that you're a reader and a crazy good writer and that's what you want to do with your life, then they shouldn't be in it. But keep in mind, you can reach out to them too. Preston nearly lost Uncle Mat because of something like that, they just grew apart." Père said, smiling sadly at both Dad and I. "But look where Kenny and I are now!" Dad exclaimed. "And look how close you and Abby could be, or Lulu." Père added. "I mean... yeah. I guess so." I said, smiling. "Thank you." I pulled both my fathers into me and hugged them both, one arm around each of them. "No problem, were always here for you honey. Now... where's that phone?" Père asked. "Oh god." I answered, remembering I threw it across the room. I jumped up out of bed and run over to where I threw my phone, in the general direction of my closet. I picked it up off the floor, by the arm of my little cactus phone case. Dad was overexcited when I bought that, I remember the huge smile on his face. I turned my over, and luckily it wasn't broken. "It's all good." I breathed out. "Good. We know you couldn't live without that." Dad grinned, and I frowned. "Says the one who was on the Internet for his job a few years ago." I retorted. "Ooh, shots fired. Bang bang." Père grinned at me. "Whatever." Dad sighed, playfully glaring at me.

I sat back down beside them and hugged them again. "Thank you." I repeated, smiling at both of them. "Anytime.Keep smiling. Now, I'm going to sleep. It's late, you need the rest Rosebud." Dad said, standing up and pulling Père with him. "Goodnight." I said quietly, laying back down and pulling covers over my head. Père leaned down and kissed my forehead. "Sleep well, love." He said, and I smiled up at him. "You too. Love you guys." I said, yawning at the end. "Love you too, Rosie. See you in the morning." Dad said, walking out the door with Père right behind him. "You know, Robby, she has your smile. Even though she isn't ours." Dad said, thinking he closed the door. I smiled to myself yet again. I don't know what my birth parents were like, but I know that they would never be who my fathers were to me. I was forever grateful. "Yeah, but she has Lachlan's eyes." Père commented. "Oi! Why so darude?" Dad whined. "Okay, okay. She's got... Hmm. She's got a laugh like yours, she talks like you, she's adorable like you." Père retried, and I heard the smile in Dad's voice as he answered "Aww, stop it. She's more like you then me."

Then their voices faded, I'm assuming they went into their bedroom. I smiled at the ceiling. "Goodnight, Dad, goodnight, Père. I love you." I whispered, even though they couldn't hear me. "Thanks for the help."

Sorry. This is the cutest way I could rant. Kinda sucks, but whatever. Thanks for reading if you did, much love and see you next time! ~Rosie <3

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