TBNRFrags/Preston: Can't You See

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Stress. Struggle. Sadness.

YouTube, University, friends, family, and just me.

I can't balance all this anymore.

YouTube is pulling me down. Both trying to get videos on both channels that people will watch and enjoy, while dealing with the hate, while dealing with the Pack's problems and the rest of my friends'.

But I made it look like business as usual.

University was a struggle. YouTube's not gonna be around forever, and I'm gonna have to support myself somehow after that. So studying while trying to keep on top of YouTube and my own health is hard.

But I make it look easy.

I don't know how much longer I can keep my friends. I'm slowly pushing all of them away... One by one by one. I haven't talked to Choco in months. Brandon's been gone for a couple weeks. Even Rob left, to visit Lachlan.

And my boyfriend? He's disappeared off the face of the planet. One day, Jerome said, he packed up his things, got on an airplane, and hasn't come back since. No ones talked to him. It's terrifying, especially with his past of depression and such. Mitch could be gone, and I would have no idea.

But I make it look like I've still got everyone by my side.

Family was hard. Mom and Dad didn't want me around anymore. I could tell. Keeley never talked to me, Caleb and Josh pretty much hated me. Daka was gone anyway.

It was the worst feeling in the world, being isolated from the people you thought loved you most. It was a knife to the chest.

But I made it look like I was still as happy as ever.

And then there's me. I'm losing sleep, I'm eating less... I'm not healthy anymore. But honestly? I didn't care about me anymore.

I made it look like I was healthier than could be.

Its all about everyone else. I've got to make sure everyone's entertained. I've got to make sure people are happy with my work. I've got to make sure my 'friends' don't leave me stranded. I've got to hold my family together.

But I can't even get a grip on myself anymore.

Why can't anybody see?

I've been gone for a while so #2 for today
Also unedited
It's short and terrible
Like me
Much love as always ~R

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