The Pack: Fourth of July

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%Rosie's POV%

"Emi!" I called as I threw our drinks in my mini cooler. "Chill! I'm coming!" Emily answered, and came running down the stairs. "Rosie and I are going to the lake to watch the fireworks!" She called to our mom, and we got a shout back. "Come right back when it's over!" "Kay Mom!" We answered in unison. I grabbed my cooler and she took the two boxes of pizza I ordered, and we walked out the front door.

"Yo! What if the Pack is at the lake! Didn't they all come to visit Preston here in Texas for the fourth?" Em jumped up and down as we walked, and I laughed and shook my head. "The only way we'd see them is if got lost on the paths in the woods." I smiled and rolled my eyes, imagining the Pack in our little spot on the lake. Em and I had actually found it by getting lost on the paths, and we've kept it hidden ever since. Every year on the fourth, the town lit fireworks on the lake, and Em and I always watched them from our hideaway.

"Rosie Rosie Rosie!" Em whisper-yelled as she came running up to me. "I was right! I was right I was right I was right!" She cheered, but still not raising her voice. "Huh?" I asked, confused. She pulled me down the end of the path and to the opening that led to the lakeside. "Don't go out there! Just come here and look!" She pushed me off the path and behind bushes. "Look!" She moved a few branches aside, so I could see into the clearing. I almost squealed.

In front of us, on the lakeside, in mine and Em's tiny hidden clearing, was none other than our favorite YouTubers: The Pack. "Ohmigod Ohmigod Ohmigod." I said, unable to take my eyes off the six boys in front of me. "Look at them!" Em whispered, pointing. I took another glance, and felt a huge smile on my face.

Preston and Rob were sitting shoulder to shoulder, hands centimeters apart. They stared at each other, not noticing the other four around them. Lachlan was eating a Popsicle and stared out over the lake, clearly lost in thought. He didn't see that Vikk was staring at him. Chin in his hands, dreamily watching Lachlan lick the popsicle. "Wonder what Little Vikky's dreaming about there." Em said from beside me with a smirk. "Wow." I rolled my eyes, but snickered anyway. "Wait, where's Merome?" I whispered, tapping her shoulder. "There." She pointed towards the edge of the lake, where I caught the outline of two bodies, pressed up against one another. I grinned. "#MeromeMakeoutSession!" Em tried to conceal her laughter. "This is awesome! I wanna go say hi, but I do t wanna ruin the ship moments!" I debated out loud, so she could add her input. "Follow me." She said, and I did as I was told. She jumped back onto the path and through the opening in the trees. Staying pressed against the bushes she sat down, behind where the Pack was resting. We watched for a moment, as Preston and Rob took each other's hand, and Merome continued to make out by the beach.

Suddenly, the first firework exploded in the sky, making Vikk jump, inevitably towards Lachlan. Lachlan used his free hand -Popsicle still in the other- to pull Vikk closer. Mitch and Jerome had stopped their little lip lock and now lay on the edge of the water, watching the night sky explode with colors. "Best Fourth of July ever!" Em cheered, and I nodded my agreement. When I looked back to the lake, I noticed we had six pairs of eyes on us. "Em," I whispered to the side. "I think you said that a little to loud." I looked back up and sent the six boys a cheesy smile. "Uh... Hey guys..." I said awkwardly. "Hi! We're huge fans!" Em said bluntly, not even caring about the situation. "Hello... How long were you two sitting there?" Lachlan asked. "Well, probably like ten minutes. We watched Poofless stare into each other's eyes, Vikk stare at Lachlan, Lachlan eating his popsicle, and Merome makin' out down there." Em said with a grin. "Oh... Heh, about that-" "Nah man. #Merome all the way." I cut off Jerome, who gave me a stupid smirk. "Well then, would the two of you like to join us?" Preston asked, and both Em's and my face lit up. "Yes!" We both squealed as moved forward to sit between Vikklan and Poofless.

The fireworks kept glowing above us, and could barely keep in a squeal as Rob kissed Preston's cheek. "So... Did Rosie and I just become the first fangirls to know that their ships are cannon?" Em asked with a sly smile. "I mean... Probably technically maybe..." Vikk said, smiling sweetly at Lachlan. "Yeah, I guess you did." Rob said as he kissed Preston again. "Anyway... Em and I have pizza! Who wants some, because I'm starving." I pulled the pizza boxes closer to me and opened the first box. Immediately, all six boys jumped towards me, each grabbing a slice of pizza. "This is really good freaking pizza!" Jerome said through a mouthful. "Tell me about it." I said as I took a bite of my own slice.

The rest of the night, the eight of us talked and laughed and bantered like old friends. As the firework show drew to a close, I leaned over to Em. "Literally, the best night ever." I said with a grin. "I know! A night on the lake with our ships, and they updated with Cannons!" Em exclaimed, making the others turn to us. "Glad we could make your night." Rob said with a smile. "Meeting you anywhere would of made my year. This made my entire life." I said, glancing between the others. "It was nice meeting you guys, I like actually being able to just chill and hang out with fans." Lachlan commented. "Same." Mitch agreed. "Well, anytime you wanna chill, we spend a lot of our time here." Em said, gesturing around the clearing. "How'd you even find this place?" Preston asked. "Same way you did, I'm assuming." I answered. "Got lost?" Mitch asked. "Uh huh." Em and I nodded. "Well, it was a great night ladies, but I think that we should be going." Vikk said as he stood up. "Thank you guys for everything, it was amazing getting to spend time with you." I smiled and stood beside Vikk. "No problem, you guys are pretty cool." Jerome grinned. "We're freaking awesome mate, don't deny." Em laughed. "Not denying." Rob said with a laugh as he stood, and then helped Preston up.

We said our goodbyes as we walked down the path, hugging and waving and everything else. "See you guys around!" They all said, smiling as we had to split off. "Thanks for pizza!" Jerome shouted, making Em and I laugh.

Once the Pack was out of our line of sight, Em and I sprinted back towards our house. We stopped in front and glanced at each other before smiling widely. "Best. Night. Ever." We said in unison, before running into the house and texting all our friends about our night with the Pack.

Happy Fourth of July, Amercians! I did a thing to celebrate! Hope you a enjoyed, and shout out to RRoylCloudPlato because we wrote this at 3 am on July 1st. Yay for late nights! Anyway, thanks for reading and much love Rosebuds! See you next time! ~Rosie <3

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