Collection of Short Stories

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A/N: Ideas I couldn't finish... But *gasp* LOOK WHO ELSE IS HERE! It's the one, the only, the Madi! My bae the co-owner and writer. This chick is one boss ass writer! You'll know whos stories are who's. ~Rosie<3


"Come on! Thirty seconds left! You have to push it!" The coach screamed, seeing his team down by one in the fourth quarter, competing for the championship. "Lachlan Power! For Nuccoraine!" He yelled, turning to his benched center. "Yes coach." The tall blonde replied, running to check in at the table. The coach and the other two benched players -Brandon Hutt and Rob Latsky- turned their full focus back to the court just in time to see small forward Jerome Aceti jump for the rebound and get thrown through the air and into the wall by the opposing center.

Referees blew their whistles as the crowd gasped, Jerome not getting up and shaking it off like he usually does. As expected, Mitch Hughes was by his side immediately, the duo always had each other's backs that way. Vikk Barn wasn't far behind, and neither was Preston Aresment. The refs blew the whistles again and called for a time out, and the coach ran over to his injured player. "Jerome, what hurts?" He asked, kneeling beside his best shooting guard. "Head slammed into th-ah... The wall... My shoulder..." Jerome winced as his teammates tried to help him up without hurting him. As he stood, the crowd clapped, as usual. Classmates and lower class men cheered his name. "Ref, can I have my own time out?" The coach asked, and the refs signaled the time out.

"Alright, boys, it's our ball. Brandon, your taking Jerome's place right now. Inbound by Preston,Brandon takes it up and gets the pass to Vikk, who'll take the shot. Lachlan and Mitch, if he misses, it's your rebound and put back. We need one point, boys, and there are twenty three seconds left." The coach drew out their play, and then turned to look through his bag, probably for something to help Jerome's injuries. Then Mitch snapped the others two attention. "No matter what happens," Mitch said, and put his hand in the center of their huddle. Jerome grinned. "We win together," Jerome's hand fell on top of Mitch's. "We lose together," Preston's hand. "We fight together," Vikk's. "We stay together," Brandon's. "We don't give up," Rob's. "We support each other," Mat's. "And we're a team." Lachlan finished. "On three," Mitch smiled. "One, two, three!" Mat yelled, and in unison, everyone else screamed "TEAM!" As the huddle broke and whistles sounded to get the game back in action.

Preston took the ball from the ref and threw it into Brandon, who started up the court with it. But the defense had learned, and Vikk was being double teamed, not open for the pass or shot. Lachlan and Mitch's men were on them tight as well, and the point guard was playing excellent ball pressure. But Preston was wide open. And while everyone knew he wasn't the best shot, Brandon didn't have a choice. "Preston!" Brandon yelled, chucking the ball his direction. Preston caught it and stared at it for a second, before the crowd started counting down with the clock. "Ten!" Preston shot the ball.

Time seemed to go in slow motion, as everyone in the gym -except for Preston, who was already fearing the burden of the shot missing- watched the ball fly in a perfect arch and through the hoop, the net making that amazing swish sound.

The entire gym went crazy. Everyone was screaming, cheering, and really gasping at Preston's perfect shot. Preston turned and stared at the hoop in shock as the clock winded down to its last two seconds, the other team losing all motivation to try to take a buzzer beater. As soon as the time hit zero, the team hoisted Preston into the air on their shoulders. "Hell yeah, Preston!" "What a clutch shot!" "MVP!" He got all the congratulations as the rest of the school flooded the floor and went to celebrate with the team. Preston was basically crowd surfing, and soon enough, the rest of the team was too. Everyone held them up and cheered, it was like a movie.

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