Sad Texts

430 27 24

I'm like sleep deprived so here we go :(: ~R
Some are between ships, some are one sided talking to a friend about the partner


Fire🔥: Lachy? What's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately...

Fish🐟: you know how they say distance makes the heart grow fonder?

Fire🔥: Yeah...?

Fish🐟: it doesn't.

Fire🔥: Lachy, no...

Fish🐟: I mean, what did you expect? We live across the world from each other. He lives with three other men. How could I have been so fucking stupid, Preston?

Fire🔥: You can't put this on yourself. It's his fault.

Fish🐟: but, it's not. It's mine, for thinking this would work, for thinking either of us could settle with seeing each other five times a year, for thinking that even after all we'd been through, he'd still love me.

Fire🔥: You loved him and you did everything in your power to show him that. He didn't love you anymore and took the cowards way out.

Fire🔥: There's so many more people to love out there Lachlan, you just have to find them.

Fish🐟: but none of them are Vik.


Benj❤️: I guess this is goodbye.

Biggums♦️: I guess it is. But know that I'll never be able to love anyone the way I loved you, Mitchell Hughes. I gave you everything I had, my heart and soul, and you can't give that back and I can't take that away from you. You'll always have a part of me and you'll always be a piece of me because I fucking love you and I'll never stop loving you. You are my sun and my moon and all of my stars in this universe of mine, and now all I've got is the empty black hole that's become my heart. I hope she treats you well, I hope she can love you the way I did and better, i hope you have an amazing, successful life with her and I wish you the best, because I'll always want what's best for you, Benj. So... Goodbye.

Benj❤️: goodbye, Jerome. Stay safe. x

Biggums♦️: Fuck you. 


Matty☀️: Robby? Please answer me...

Robby🌸: What?

Matty☀️: I miss you, Rob. So fucking much. I was an idiot to do what I did, and I can't live without you. You're still my everything, precious. Please.

Robby🌸: I miss you too, sunshine.

Matty☀️: does this mean things can go back to the way they were?

Robby🌸: no, Mathew. Things will never, ever be the same again. I trusted you and you broke my heart. You took it and smashed it and stomped it and smeared it. I'll forgive, but I'll never forget. I say I miss my sunshine, and I do, but sometimes people have to learn to walk through the rain.

Matty☀️: Robby, I'm sorry, I love you so much...

Read at 2:36 A.M.

ChocoZahHutt/PeteZahBo and Kenoco

Petey💚: he's all yours .

Kenworth💥: What are you on about, Brandon?

Petey💚: Choco. He's all yours.

Kenworth💥: I don't understand...

Petey💚: well let me make it clear for you . You, Kenny, are the love of my life's love of his life. You are my one and only's one and only. He loves you, and not me.

Kenworth💥: oh.

Petey💚: you know what they say, if you love them let them go .

Kenworth💥: Brandon, I... I'm so sorry...

Petey💚: no you aren't . He loves you. The most brilliant man on the planet loves you, Kenny. And now that I'm out of the picture, you have nothing holding you back from him.

Kenworth💥: I guess you're right.

Petey💚: I usually am . Tell my baby I said hello .

Kenworth💥: Will do.


Mitchell💔: we tore them all apart

Adam💍: we tore ourselves apart

Mitchell💔: I'm so sorry

Adam💍: Seto is dead. Ty is gone. Jason is broken. Quentin is lost. Ian is slipping. Mat's disappeared. Jerome... Oh, Jerome...

Mitchell💔: I know

Mitchell💔: it's all our fault

Mitchell💔: it's all my fault

Adam💍: it's not just you

Mitchell💔: I said horrible things at a horrible time and I lost all my best friends and the only one I've ever loved

Adam💍: do you think we can fix it?

Mitchell💔: I want to

Adam💍: but can we?

Mitchell💔: no.

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