Poofless: Storms

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+Preston's POV+

Sitting alone in the Pack house, I stared out the window, watching the storm roll in. I watched as thunder boomed and lightning cracked, and the pavement drowned in rain. I loved the rainy weather, I always had. No one else in Florida was find of storms, all the guys thought I was crazy. They didn't like the rain, especially Rob. Shit.

I jumped away from the window and started to search the house for Rob. I was the only one who knew about his fear of storms, so I was the only one who could help him. Wow, I thought to myself. Here I am crushing on this guy and I can't even remember one simple thing about him. Yeah... Maybe I was madly in love with my best friend. Maybe.

"Robby?" I called, running into the kitchen. "Nope, but you found Lachy!" Lachlan grinned and turned around to face me. "Ha. Funny. Have you seen Rob?" I asked. "Uh, no. Why?" He asked. "Just need him for a minute." I answered. "Aw, Preston, you need him." Lachlan teased. My face started to heat up as I replied with "Shut the fudge up, you jag" and turned to leave the room. "Hashtag Poofless!" Lachlan called after me, making my face become a brighter red.

I pretty much had the same conversations with both Mitch and Jerome before I found Rob curled up in the basement, literally shaking with fear. "Oh Robby, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, running over to him. I dropped to my knees beside him and he jumped into my lap, still shaking. "I'm so sorry Robby, I forgot you hated the storms. I'm such a bad friend, look where I left you! I'm so-" "Shut u-up." He said, voice shaking like his body. "Y-You a-aren't a bad f-f-friend. At least you re-membered." He stuttered, still clutching onto me like a lifeline. "Still took me to long." I mumbled.

"Stop it. You are an amazing friend and I'm glad to call you mine." He said, making me blush. He called me his. "I... I, uh, I didn't mean it like that. I meant, um, I meant that I'm glad to call you my best friend." Rob tried to fix the mistake, and I slightly frowned. If only he meant more. "What?" Rob asked. "Huh?" I said, confused. "Y-You want m-more?" Rob stuttered, and my face burned red. I did NOT just say that out loud. "Uh, yeah, you did." Goddamn it. "Preston... D-Do y-you like me?" Rob asked. I glanced at him, my eyes meeting his; he looked hopeful. Hopeful? "Y-Yes."

"Really?" He asked. "For as long as I can remember." I answered. He slightly smiled and his cheeks tinted pink, but he tilted his head up so our lips were barely an inch apart. "Well I like you too." He whispered, before pressing his lips on mine.

When he pulled away I felt an idiotic smile tugging on my lips, and he was shyly smiling. "Thank you." He whispered. "What for Robby?" "I don't think I'm afraid of storms anymore, not with this to relate to them." He answered, looking away from me. "Glad I could help." I smiled before pecking his lips again. "Actually... I'm still afraid. Like, deathly afraid. I think you need to kiss me again." He said with a smirk. "Oh no, I guess I will, won't I?" I grinned and pressed my lips on his again. Maybe this was why I loved storms so much....

For RoyalCloudPotato because we talked about this prompt a while ago and I told her I'd write it for her. I DIDNT FORGET! XD anyway hope you all enjoyed, much love and don't forget to leave a request! Peace out Rosebuds! ~Rosie <3


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