Jalex: More Than Meets The Eye

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A/N: why yes I'd love to try my hand at a modern royalty au

Also, this is Jerome x Alex. For those of you who don't know, Alex (you may know him as 'Dondo') is Mitch and Jerome's editor/camera man, and I think a starting YouTuber. He's been recording with Jerome a lot in particular, and I find them adorable XD

Also also it's past midnight and I'm not at all tired


"Dondo!" Mitch yelled for his servant. The poor boy came scrambling in and bowed in front of Mitch, kindly asking how he could be of service. "Jerome wants another soda, and-" "It's fine, I'm quite alright. Don't worry about it, Alex." I preferred using his real name. I felt bad for him, Mitch wasn't always the kindest. "Jerome, you want one. You were just complaining for like, five straight minutes." Mitch said to me, before looking back at Alex. "And I'd like a strawberry smoothie. Chop chop." Mitch clapped, and Alex nodded and scurried off to do as Mitch asked.

"God, Mitch. Couldn't you be a little nicer?" I glanced up at him as he picked up his video game controller again. "To Dondo? No. He's my servant, he's supposed to be bossed around. That's his job." Mitch replied, giving me a look like I was crazy. "Yeah, but he's, like, afraid of you." I protested lamely. "As he should be. I'm the future King, Jerome." Mitch smugly answered. "Just because your six days older than I am-" "Means that you won't be the King. I will, Jerome. And I need to have that sort of fear, because-" "It's better to be feared than loved." I mocked, interrupting him as he'd done to me. "Exactly." Mitch clearly wanted to drop the subject, and wasn't going to fight me anymore.

"Whatever, Mitch. I hope everyone hates you as King." I mumbled, standing and walking out of his room. "I can have you charged for treason!" He yelled after me, a slight laughter following. "Fuck off!" I called back, starting down the hall towards my room.

I collapsed onto my bed, now bored. I was in the middle of a CoD round with Mitch, before he pissed me off about Alex. That boy didn't deserve to be treated the way Mitch treated him. He was kind, polite, and obedient (and c'mon, pretty cute), yet Mitch couldn't even call him by his name? My brother really ticked me off sometimes. There were days I wish my mom didn't marry his dad -the King, by some grand stroke of luck- and force us into royalty. Mitch was a royal pain in my ass.

There was a soft knock at my door, so quiet I barely heard it. I stood up to answer it, not knowing who it was. Most people knocked quite loud and obnoxiously.

I opened the door, ready to answer to whatever it was my mother or father needed, but neither of them were there. Instead, it was Alex, holding a can of Monster. "Mitch told me to bring it to you." He said quietly, holding it out to me. "Thanks, Alex." He looked up at me when I said his name, as if he didn't think I knew it (even though I'd said it before). "Y-You're welcome, sir." He nodded and bowed, and turned to go.

"Hey, Alex?" I caught him before he could get away. "Yes, sir? Do you need something else? Would you like me to fetch Ryan?" Ryan was my servant, though he was more of a good friend to me. "No, thank you though." I smiled a little. "Then how can I be of service?" He asked politely. "For one thing, please don't call me 'sir'. Call me Jerome." Alex slowly nodded. "Yes, si- I mean, yes, J-Jerome." He was hesitant to use my actual name. "What I wanted to say was that I'm sorry Mitch is so cruel. You don't deserve to be bossed around that way." Alex quickly shook his head. "It's my job, sir. I live to serve the King, Queen, and Princes." How odd. That sounded exactly like what Mitch said.

I sighed. "Thank you, Alex. You can go back to whatever Mitch had you doing." He nodded, bowed, and ran off, probably to be snapped at by Mitch again. I retreated back into my room, kicking the door shut behind me. I set the can of soda down on the table beside my bed. I didn't even bother to open it. I just sat down, thinking about Alex. The boy was sweet, he was caring, and from what I'd picked up on he was extremely intelligent. I bet if Mitch let him speak more, he'd be funny as well. He was also attractive, his dark hair slightly spiked like Mitch's (Alex wore it better), his glasses framing his eyes and face perfectly, the light blush that was always on his cheeks around Mitch and I. He was adorable.

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