NoochZaHutt: Forever And Always

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A/N: I know I did a one shot called "Forever, Always," but this is different. Also, if the lyrics are confusing it's because I had to change some of the "she's" to "he's". Sorry about that <3

<<Third Person POV>>

Laying his head on the table, Brandon sighed. He'd been waiting for hours, wondering when his love would be home.

He's sitting at the table, hours get later

"Where is he?" Brandon wondered to himself. "He woulda called. Texted. Something?"

He was supposed to be here, he's sure he would've called.

Brandon glanced towards the window, still not seeing a car in the driveway. Where was he?

He waits a little longer, there's no one in the driveway.

Brandon pulled out his phone and texted a few of his friends, -Mitch, Jerome, Lachlan- to see if they've seen him, but no one says they have. "Nothing is wrong, right? Mat's just... Lost. He's okay." Brandon assured himself. "Please... He's okay."

No ones said they've seen him, why is something wrong?

Again Brandon glanced to the window, hopefully staring out into the street and the driveway. The house was a heavy silence, only to be broken by the phone ringing. Brandon jumped from his chair and picked up the phone, hoping to hear the sweet voice of the one he loved.

He looks back to the window, suddenly the phone rings.

"Hello?" "Hello, is this Brandon Hutt?" A woman's voice asked, and Brandon's hopes fell a little. "Yes it is, how may I help you miss?" Brandon answered. "You live with Matthew Nuccoriane, right?" The woman asked. "Yes ma'am." Brandon replied. "Something happened, he's in the hospital. Come soon, sir, the doctors aren't sure-" "I'm on my way. Thank you miss." Brandon said, tears already glossing over his eyes as he hung up the phone.

A voice says something happened, that he should come right now.

Slipping on shoes and a sweatshirt Brandon grabbed his keys and ran out to his car, backing it out of the garage and starting down the road. Brandon's hands were shaking as he drove and the only thing he could truly see was the golden ring on his finger.

His mind goes to December, he thinks of when he asked him.

The one Mat had given him just months ago, when he got on one knee and told Brandon he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. When Brandon has cried and smiled more then he ever had in his life.

He bent down his knee first, and he said

Most importantly, when Mat promised Brandon a forever.

I want you forever, forever and always, through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together, forever and always...

Brandon pulled up to the hospital and parked his car, wiping away tears as he ran through the doors and up to the front desk.

He pulls up to the entrance, he walks right to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The woman at the front asked. How could she be so calm? Brandon thought. "I'm here for Matthew Nuccoriane." He said, and the woman straightened up a little. "Brandon? Follow me."

They lead him down a million halls, a maze that never ends.

Hall after hall they walked through, turn after turn they took, door after door they passed but Brandon could barely see straight. The woman next to him was explained what happened, but Brandon was to concentrated on walking normally, and still on the golden band around his finger. All he heard was something about "car crash", "unsure", and "possibly fatal". 

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