Kenoco: You Are In Love

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§Choco's POV§

It started late one night, when I laying awake in my bed, with my boyfriend sleeping beside me, I couldn't help but remember what brought the two of us to this point. I glance over at my beautifully peaceful boyfriend, I thought about how quick the time went.

One look, dark room, meant just for you. Time moved to fast, you play it back.

The first time I realized he loved me, and the first time I realized I loved him. It was a chilly Autumn night, Kenny had called me at midnight. "Wanna go on an adventure?" He asked, I could hear the excitement in his voice. "What kind of adventure?" I replied. "One where we drive around and look at the stars and the moon and don't go home until sunrise." He answered. I smiled. "Of course I'll go." "Yay! I'll pick you up in twenty, dress warm. Bye Choco!" He said, and hung up. My smile grew, this guy would be the death of me, but I couldn't help being his best friend.

Kenny picked me up right when he said he would, and I slipped into his car with a smile. "Hello Kenworth!" I chirped, and he grinned. "Hello, Chocobo. Ready for an adventure?" He asked, pulling out of my driveway. "Heck yeah! I like your jacket by the way." I commented, the silver buttons catching my eye. "Thank you." He said, before focusing on the road. I glance out the window, looking up at the navy sky and seeing the sparkling stars. "Look at all the VikkStars!" I grin, and Kenny bursts out laughing. "Oh my god. That was a pun worthy of Vikk." He says between laughs. "Really? That was my goal. Vikk worthy puns about Vikk."

Buttons on a coat, light hearted joke, no proof, not much, you saw enough.

The two of us started with small talk after that, until he pulled over onto the side of the road. "Where are we?" I asked, not seeing anything around us but fields. "So I know I said adventure... But really, I kinda just wanted to look at the stars." He replied with a shy smile. "Sounds lovely." I answered, opening my door and getting out of the car. I walk around the back of the car and lean on the trunk as Kenny pulls something out of the backseat. When he comes around the back of the car, I see two coffees and a blanket. "Thought it might helps us keep warm." He says, handing me a cup. "Thank you." I said, bringing the cup to my lips.

Small talk, he drives, coffee at midnight

He pulled me around to the front of the car and hopped onto the hood, then gestured for me to follow. I did, sitting beside him as he threw the blanket across us. "Is that the chain on your neck?" He asked, and I nodded. "Yeah. The one you got me ages ago? I started wearing it, like, regularly." I answered. "Sweet, it looks good." He said, and looked back to the stars.

The light reflects the chain on your neck

"What constellations do you know?" I asked, after I'd pointed one out to him. "Um... Here, look up." He said, pointing. Our shoulders touched, and we both paused to look at each other. I stared into the brown eyes I knew all too well, but this time they looked a little different. A little brighter, a little deeper, a little more sparkled... A little more filled with love. "That there," Kenny looked away from me, pointing back to the stars. "That's Hercules, I think." But I never did see the stars he pointed out. Now that'd I'd seen them, I was lost in that stars that were his eyes.

He says "look up", and your shoulders brush, no proof, one touch, you felt enough.

As the sun started to rise, the two of us packed our things and jumped back into Kenny's car. After a minute of driving in silence, I looked over at him. "Kenny?" He looked at me quick, smiling, but then turned to the road. "Yeah?" "Thank you for inviting me out. I had a really great night." I smiled, even though he wasn't looking at me. "It was my pleasure, there's no one else I'd want to spend a perfect night like that with." He replied. "Me either. Perfect sky, perfect stars, perfect boy. It all fits." I said, not thinking as I thought aloud. "Oh, surely I'm not perfect. You could take that title though." He told me, I could see the blush on his cheeks and feel the one on mine. "Thanks... It's really you though." I said, and then we both fell silent. It was there, right then. I knew.

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