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Hey hey hey Rosebuds, it's Rosie here and IVE GOT ANOTHER BOOK IDEA! I know some of you might've been looking forward to a book based off my last preview, but I might just turn that into a multi-part one shot series. But this... I think I can take this to other levels with the help of a few friends. So without further ado, here's what I'm thinking for my new Pack & Friends fanfic; "Iris."


Black eyes. Everywhere you went. Unless, of course, their eyes bared the color(s) of their lovers aura. It was strange growing up with black eyes while my parents eyes shared the same color of a vibrant green. My fathers yellow aura and my mothers blue, the colors combining to create the perfect shade to show how in love with each other they are. I heard the stories of how my mother's eyes turned yellow before my father fell in love with her too.

I always wondered what color my eyes would end up. Would they glow gold or radiate red? I couldn't wait to find out. Then of course, there was the question of what color someone who loved me's eyes would turn. Was my aura neon pink or navy blue? "Jerome Aceti, Preston Aresment, Adam Dahlburg, Mitchell Hughes, Matthew Nuccoraine, Lachlan Power, Jason Probst, and Kenny Worth, it's time for your test." Well, I thought, standing up with the seven other boys who were called with me. Let's go see my aura color.


I step out of the testing room with a grin. Purple. I guess I just came off as purple, a light, lavender shade of purple. . I could imagine the perfect boy -yes, boy. I know who I like.- with lovely purple eyes, sparkling back into my own. I walked back out into the original room as eight others get called. A nervous, brown haired, tan boy started to walk past me, so I stopped him. I grabbed his arm, and he looked at me curiously. "It isn't as bad as your thinking... Trust me. You'll be okay." I assured him with a smile. "You think?" He asked. "I know it. Don't worry." I replied. "Thanks very much..." He hesitated. "Jason," I smile again. "My names Jason." He smiled with me. "I'm Tyler. See you around, Jason." He said, before disappearing into the testing room.


"Jace! How'd it go? What color are you?" My best friend Ty ran straight up to me as he opened the door for me. "I'm purple." I replied with a smile. "Lucky! That's my favorite color!" He whined, but was still grinning back at me. "That's really cool though, Jason. I can't believe my birthday's tomorrow, but I can't get my color until next month! This is the worst." He sighed, flopping back into the couch. "I know. But hey, at least you can get yours. My sister's been waiting for this since she was thirteen, and she's still got another year to go." "How old is she, sixteen?" Ty asked, and I nodded. "She thinks her eyes are already turning some dark blue color, and she doesn't know who's it is." I chuckle. "It's stupid these things are every fifteenth. They should be on the person birthday." Ty complained. I sighed and nodded in agreement. "But Jace..." Ty started to smirk. "Now we can figure out who loves you!" He cheered, hitting me lightly in the arm. "Yeah yeah... I'm sure no one does. I don't remember seeing anyone with purple eyes, Ty." I reminded him. "Maybe not. But if we do, than we know it's for you!" He grinned. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes, but smiled all the same. There's gotta be someone would love purple eyes. I just have to hope mine will change too.

So yeah! This whole story won't be from Jason's point of view, but I was just starting out with him. Also, sorry if it was a little confusing. Everything will be sorted when I REALLY start the book. It'll have a LOT of ships, but focus around Merome, Poofless, Vikklan, Kenoco, NoochZahHutt and LogDotUniverse. I'm REALLY looking forward to this one. Can't wait! Hope you guys enjoyed this and are looking forward to "Iris" like I am! Much love, ~Rosie <3333

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