ThePack(&Friends):Give Me Love

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A/N: Stuck In Car. Headphones in. Song comes on... One shot written. Figure out which couple is which, and the angel ;)
Also didn't really know what to call this without giving away who was who so yeah
Lyrics italicized <3


It was the angel. The angel that gave them all the final push. And they all fell. Including him.

}Third Person POV{

He was alone. In his mess of a house, the one room he called his own and he sang to himself. He sat on his small little mattress, staring at the wooden desk with rusted tools, wishing for someone. Anyone.

Give me love like her, cause lately I've been waking up alone.

When he did come out of his small home, it was always the same. There were always people. Well, of course there were people, but there was something about them. Anywhere he went, he always found people who were in love. Smiling lovingly at each other, hands intertwined, leaving pecks on each other's cheeks. Some nights, it really hit, he lay alone with tears streaming down his face.

Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt, I told you I'd let them go.

One night, laying on his back humming his favorite song, when something began poking his back. He sat up, attempting to reach whatever it was. He could just barely pull at the thing, and when he did, it felt like it had come out of his back. And when he looked at it, he realized it did. A single, pearl white feather, blood around the tips. Confused, he just shook it off.

And that I'll fight my corner, maybe tonight I'll call ya, after my blood turns to alcohol. No, I just wanna hold ya.

The boy woke up the next morning feeling the same strange feeling under his back. But reaching behind him, he felt more then just one feather. Hundreds more had formed into two flowing wings on either side of him. "What...?" He mumbled, turning his head to try to get a better view.

Give a little time to me, or burn this out. We'll play hide and seek to turn this around.

After the boy got used to the feeling, he decided to go out. He left his home and walked to a small diner, the sky overhead darkening as the sun fell over the horizon and grey clouds rolled in. Right as the rain started to fall, he made it through the diner doors. The diner looked empty, there was no one there except one young girl. She was about the boy's age, sitting alone with a spoon in her drink, slowly stirring it. From what the boy saw, she had misty eyes that could pierce the room, something someone had said about him once. When she looked up at him, she gave a slight smile, to which the boy just looked away. The girl sighed, looking away from the cute angel-boy, and hadn't noticed the few tears rolling down his face. "I can't find love myself," he thought. "But I will find it for others."

All I want is the taste that your lips allow, my my, my my, oh, give me love.

The boy went home, and instead of falling onto the mattress like he usually did, he sat down at the old wooden desk.

My my, my my, oh, give me love, my my, my my, oh, give me love.

Within the next twenty-four hours, they boy had perfected his plan. In his hands was a perfectly crafted bow, and a handful of arrows. He leaned out of the doorway to his home looking into the alleyway, and sure enough, a couple stood against the wall. The shorted of the duo, a caramel eyed boy in a checkered hoodie, was being held by a short haired brunette. The angel raised his bow and arrow, aiming straight at the taller boy. He released, and the arrow flew straight into the man's back, disintegrating into dust as it hit. The angel knew he'd succeeded at the man he's shot stopped talking, and pressed his lips to the other boy's.

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