The Pack & Friends: A Halloween Story

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"Daddy! Daddy! Can you tell me a Halloween story?" A little girl asked her father, jumping up and down. Her father smiled at the young girl, in her adorable Cinderella costume, and nodded. "Do we have time before your friends get here? Don't wanna be late for trick or treating." The man said, and the girl eagerly nodded. "Alright. Here it goes." The little one jumped into her dad's lap as he smiled at her an began his story.

"We were teenagers. My best friends and I, on a Halloween night just like this. Mitch, Vikk, Mat, Rob and myself. The five of us were on our way home from a party another friend decided to host. Instead of walking down the street, Mitch and Mat decided they wanted to take a path through the woods. Vikk, Rob and I followed.

We were just goofing around as we walked, until Vikk stopped short. "Did you guys see that?" He asked, looking around as his face paled. None of us saw anything, and just told Vikk he was being paranoid. Eventually, he yelled. "There's something here. Guys, I'm not even kidding." He said, running up to stand between Mitch and Rob. Still, no one believed him.

Until, we did see it. A tall, pale, blonde boy started wandering across the path in front of us, in almost all black. "T-That's him." Vikk mumbled, barely above a whisper. "Hey!" Mat called. The boy slowly turned to look at us. He scanned all five of us, then pointed to Vikk. "You're the one." He said, accent clear and strong. The boy walked towards us and put both his hands on Vikk's shoulders. "You've gotta come with me." He said, but Vikk shook his head. "No. I don't even know you." Vikk protested. "But everyone knows you, Vikram Barn. Please, they need you. I need you." The pale boy sounded desperate, his blue eyes begging. "Fine. Only tonight." Vikk agreed, and no one questioned him. The boy smiled, and everyone noticed his pointed teeth. "W-What are you?" Vikk stuttered. "What do you think? I'm a vampire." He replied. "Those are real?" Rob asked in astonishment. "You'd be surprised, Robert. All those legends, all those stories... You've just got to see it. Open your eyes a little more." The boy said with a grin, before taking Vikk's hand and walking away.

Now with the four of us left, we kept walking, talking about the pale boy we just traded one of our best friends to. No one even wanted to stop Vikk from leaving, no one knew why. As we travelled further into the woods, it began getting warmer and warmer, until we saw a glowing light. "Whoa..." Rob started to run towards the light, causing Mitch, Mat and I to follow. We came to a clearing, and as soon as we stepped out of the trees, a ring of fire surrounded us. We all looked around, terrified, but Rob kept walking towards the flaming figure in the center of the circle. We tried to call out, and warn him he'd get burned, but he wasn't paying any attention to us. He looked straight at it, reached into the fire and touched the figure inside.

The flames immediately died. The ground around the perimeter was still smoking, and the figure became a boy. He looked around our age, brown hair and darker eyes, dressed in literal fire. He wore a flaming teeshirt and lava shorts. "You can touch me?" He looked astonished. "I-I just reached... And you..." Rob stuttered, clearly in awe of the flaming boy. "You're a rare one... An undiscovered! Only the Fallen can do that." The boy shouted, smiling widely at Rob. "They'd love to have you... I can train you! You can use your powers for-" "Powers?!" Mat and Rob both asked in unison. "Yes, of course. The Fallen have them, they-" "Hold on. What am I? What are you? Who are you?" Rob asked, still staring at the hot- literally, flaming, but attractive as well- boy. "Why, your a Fallen Angel. I'm a devil, of course, but I hide the horns with my hair. My name is Preston." He moved some of his hair to the side, and sure enough there were two little red horns sitting there. "Will you stay with me?" Preston asked, smiling shyly at Rob. "Uh..." He looked back at Mitch, Mat and I, who just shrugged. "Sure." Rob turned back Preston, who literally squealed. "Awesome! You're adorable. I haven't gotten to train a cute one in a while. Anyway, follow me." Preston took Rob's hand and pulled a green marble-like object from what would be his pockets. "Ready?" He asked Rob, who nodded back. "Bye guys!" Rob smiled at us as Preston tossed his marble onto the ground, and green flames erupted. "Just step through, I'll be with you." Preston said, and walked into the flames with Rob right behind him. As soon as they both disappeared, every trace of fire in the forest did too.

Mitch, Mat and I didn't know what to do, after losing both Vikk and Rob to strange, supposedly mythological creatures. What else could we possibly see in one night? We decided that we should probably make it home before any other supernatural beings decided we were special and needed to take us somewhere.

We hadn't made it far before Mitch stopped us. "Do you hear that?" He asked, looking around. Mat and I fell silent, straining our ears to hear anything out of the ordinary. Soon, Mat looked at Mitch. "Is that whimpering? Like, a dog, or something?" Mat asked, and suddenly I heard it too. "Yeah! It's sounds like something's hurt. We gotta find it!" Mitch insisted, running off towards the sound.

Mat and I exchanged a glance, before sprinting after Mitch. Eventually, we found him, staring at a bleeding wolf. "No..." Mitch whispered. He held out his hand and calmly moved towards the injured animal. "It's okay... I won't hurt you... I'm going to help you..." Mitch cooed, getting close enough to crouch beside the animal, who looked up at us with cocoa eyes. He touched it's wound, a gash up its leg and towards its stomach. The wolf whimpered and tried to jerk away, but it couldn't. Mitch stood back up and looked at the two of us. "We need to get it help. I can't leave it here!" Mitch insisted. "Alright..." Mat and I hesitantly agreed. "Thank you!"

But when Mitch turned around, there was no wolf sitting there. A boy had taken his place, bloody shorts and clutching his bare sides, had taken its place. He had the same eyes the wolf did.

"Y-You... The wolf..." Mitch stuttered, confused. "I'm the wolf. Werewolf. Yeah, they're real, get over it, now please help me." The boy pleaded, looking up at us weakly. Mitch immediately nodded, and started to help the boy up. "My names Mitch. We need to take you to the hospital." Mitch said, throwing the boy's arm over his shoulder. "Jah... Jerome..." The boy replied, wincing as Mitch helped him stand up straight. "I'll catch up with you guys later, alright?" Mitch told Mat and I, then started walking away with Jerome by his side.

Nor Mat or I said a word, just watched Mitch and Jerome off, and once they were out of sight, the two of us remaining started on the trail home again.

Right when the street lights had come back into view, Mat stopped me. "Look," he whispered. "Look. There." He pointed, and I squinted my eyes to see the faint white glow surrounding a boy on the sidewalk. "He is cuh-ute." Mat grinned, exaggerating the last word. I smiled a little, as Mat called out to the boy. "Hey!" He waved to the boy, running over and pulling me with him.

"Oh, why, hello." The boy turned as he saw us, voice sounding... Dreamy, almost. "Hi, my name is Mat, nice to meet you." Mat introduced himself, and I did too. "My name is Brandon." He said, in that light, shy voice again. "You're cute, Brandon," Mat stated, and even though the boy was so pale -almost transparent- I could still see the slight blush on his cheeks. "Why, thank you. You're quite attractive yourself." Brandon replied with a giggle. "Thank you. Now, where are you headed?" Mat asked with a smile. "No where in particular... I can go wherever I want, really..." Brandon answered. "Can I accompany you, wherever it is you want to go?" Mat offered, and Brandon's face lit up. "Why, I'd love that!" He cheered excitedly. "What about you?" Brandon asked me, but I shook my head. "No, I think I should be getting home... Thank you though." I said with a smile.

Soon after, we'd said our goodbyes, and I was walking down the streets to my house. I'd never had such an insane night.

It took me a few days to look into the night again. To realize that Brandon was... Well, dead. He was a ghost. And Jerome had supposedly gone missing a long time ago. And soon enough, my four best friends had disappeared as well. Mat had been found dead, a peaceful death in his sleep. Rob never returned. Vikk, well, I've seen him once, skin pale and eyes dark as he cast me one small smile. And Mitch? I see him and Jerome all the time, there eyes in two wolves' bodies in the back woods. I know that they never really left me, and I'll never-"

"Ashley, dear, Gabby and Meghan are here! Gabby's mother is going to take you trick or treating!" Another man called from his front door. "Okay father!" The little girl called, jumping off her other dad's lap and running towards the door.

Once the two fathers had seen their baby girl off, they closed the door. The taller smiled at his husband. "You told her the story of your friends, didn't you?" He asked. His husband nodded. "I miss them, I really do. But hey... I know they're happy, and that's enough for me, even if they're with supernatural beings people think are myths." He replied with a grin. "That's sweet, Kenny. I love you." The two shared a quick kiss, while the shorter smiled. "I love you too, Choco."

Happy Halloween, even though I'm like, two days late! I didn't get this idea until  Halloween night, so this took me a few extra days xD I hope you all had an amazing Halloween, much love and peace out! ~Rosie <3

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