Mitch/BajanCanadian: Gasoline

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They thought I was happy. They thought I was okay. They thought I was... Normal. But, oh, were they ever so wrong. I was depressed, insane, and anything but normal. 

Are you insane like me? Been in pain like me?

I wasted all my money, wasted all my time, wasted my life. Everything I've ever done, pointless. Everything I've ever worked for, for nothing, because they took it all away anyway. Government? Try prison guards. Try traitors. Try demons.

Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me? Just to pour that motherfucker down the drain like me? Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?

Drinking was something I had done for a while. But early in my career I'd realized that if I wanted to succeed, I needed to look good. So my alcohol went away, and I became a fitness freak. I worked out constantly, starved myself or ate only extremely healthy things. And soon enough, I was perfect. Or, that's what they told me. The young girls who watched me said I was gorgeous. And so did the government.

Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me? Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?

They told me they wanted me to work for them. They said "People tend to trust beautiful faces". "Trust me for what?" I'd asked. "If you have an opinion -really, it would be something we told you to say- and people would follow you. And we'd get what we want. Maybe it's wrong, but that's what power is. A pretty face like yours deserves a little power in this world." I couldn't believe this. So many people being lied to and betrayed, just so these idiots could be one step closer to world domination? I didn't think so.

I left their office, denying every offer and leaving them shocked. I just made the worst enemy I could possibly make, but I didn't care. It was wrong. They were wrong. I took the train back to my house, and all eyes were on me. People knew who I was. They either loved me and told me I should never give up, or hated me and told me I shouldn't waste my life the way I did. If only they knew it was really their lives that were going down the drain.

Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train like me? Saying that you shouldn't waste a pretty face like me?

I realized something that day. Every single one of us was insignificant. It was the human race as a whole that mattered. We were one, and each little part was basically equal. But because of the way we work, some of us were bound to realize this before others. Those who did became power hungry. Those who did became the government. They turned everybody else into slaves.

And all the people say "You can't wake up, this is not a dream, you're part of a machine, you are not a human being

Some slaves still managed to rank higher -ones with the look or the brains. That sadly included me; somehow people found an insane boy attractive. But nevertheless, people put me above them, despite my low self confidence and disorders. I -along with everyone else- was just one of their drones.

"With your face all made up, living on a screen, low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline"

Just because I turned down the government didn't mean I had to stop what I did for work. I still recorded, posted, ans so on. It was business as usual. People had no idea what had happened, and the government hadn't taken any rage out on me, yet. I was waiting for the day they shut down my channel, or even the site as a whole.

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