Poofless: Forget About Love

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Third Person

"I can't anymore, Lachlan..." Preston choked out, pulling his pillow over his face.

"Good. Rob wasn't worth it anyway." Lachlan lied through his teeth. He and the rest of the boys had worked out a plan. Mission; Save Poofless.

"Y-Yeah. He cheated on me... He said he loved me!" Preston continued to sob, and Lachlan rolled his eyes.

Everybody knew Preston and Rob were meant to be together. Preston just jumped to conclusions a little quickly when he saw Rob and Mat together.

So Preston sat here heartbroken, over just a small misunderstanding.

This is where the Lachlan came in.

"He definitely wasn't worth it. It's not like he was your only true love or anything." Lachlan sat down beside Preston, resting his hand on the crying boy's side.

"I thought he was..." Preston replied.

"I know. But don't waste your tears on him. Just forget about him, and his smile, and his laugh..." Lachlan bit his lip to keep from laughing. Everything was working!

"I always loved his laugh..." Preston sadly sighed.

"I know. But there's no point in thinking about that, or the way you fell into his eyes..."

Preston sat up with a sad glance at Lachlan. "I miss him so much..." The Texan mumbled, throwing himself on his best friend. Lachlan held the smaller the way he used to see Rob do, when Preston was upset.

"You hold me like he did." Preston told the younger.

"Comforting, caring, loving? Like he was?" Lachlan asked, rather chirpy.

"Yeah..." Preston nodded.

Preston began remembering all the good things about Rob, all the great times... Preston didn't want to leave him.

"But, y'know. Forget about him, he wasn't worth all your time, and energy..." Lachlan dragged on.

"He was..." Preston seemed to come to the realization.

"No, just forget him. Forget about love."

"I can't forget about love. He's the love of my life. I need to see him again!" Preston jumped up, drying his eyes and looking around for his things.

"But Preston, he's not worth it. You've gotta move on." Lachlan gave his final push.

"I don't want to move on, Lachlan! He's the only one for me." Preston quickly replied, running out the door.

Lachlan waited until the door shut before bursting into a fit of laughter as he texted the rest of the boys.

'Poofless is saved!'

It sucks and it's unedited
I'm recovering from sickness and my day is just not going great
And this was a late night idea
Much love as always, ~R

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