ChocoZahHutt/PeteZahBo: Up All Night

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A/N: slight Harry Potter spoilers? <3 ~R


I didn't want to be out this late. It just kinda happened. Well... It was my fault. And Brandon's. I was supposed to pick up some kind of ring for Preston to give to Kenny (I think it was a promise ring, but I wasn't really listening to lovesick Pressy when he was explaining it to me), for tomorrow, so Preston asked me to pick it up today. But because my own boyfriend was so captivating and adorable and very, very lazy, I spent my day lounging around with Petey watching movies and eating pizza and making out. It was pretty great.

But now, I was driving home from the ring store in the mall, and Petey was -hopefully- asleep. My poor Petey had insomnia, which made it hard for him to sleep. He was was always trying to record and edit videos, or he was up watching a football game, or studying for some class or another. And he wouldn't sleep for days on end, not until I forced him or he realized he actually needed to rest after walking into a wall. I think it had been two days since the last time he slept.

I made it home about an hour after I'd left, because Preston would choose the farthest place from mine and Petey's house, on the opposite side of town. Thanks for nothing, you jobless lava mob.

I set the gift on the table by the door, along with my keys. As I kicked off my shoes and peeled off my jacket, I made my way up to the bedroom. When I opened the door, I heard a sound that broke my heart.

Brandon sat on our bed in tears, a book in his lap and tissues scattered around him. "Oh, Petey, what's the matter?" I ran to his side, sitting beside him and pulling him into my arms. Petey started to sob into my shoulder, unable to stop.

"I-I hate B-Bellatrix in this f-fucking series." Brandon mumbled into my shoulder. I sighed, picking up the last book in the Harry Potter series and marking his page, then setting it behind me on the table. "I know you do. I did too." I replied quietly, holding him tight to my chest. "Sh-She's k-killed all m-my fucking f-favorites! This is why I h-hate getting attached t-to charac-ters." He cried, wrapping his arms around my neck. "I know, baby boy. I know." I pressed my lips to the top of his head, and he seemed to have calmed down for a second, before another round of sobs overtook him again.

I held him and rubbed his back lightly until he calmed down a reasonable amount. "Petey, baby, I think you've done enough reading for tonight. It's time for you to go to sleep." I whispered, pushing him out of my grasp ever so slightly. "I-I'm not t-tired." He mumbled, his slightly puffy blue eyes meeting mine. "Baby, you haven't slept in a few days, I think you need rest." I told him, resting my hand gently on the side of his face. "Choco, no..." He yawned, pretty much defeating the purpose of his argument.

"Yes, baby boy. You've gotta rest." I told him, laying down with him still in my grasp. "N-No, I have to-" "No, Petey, you don't." I cut him off, giving him a look and telling him I was serious. He sighed at me, pouting. "Chocobaaaabe," he whined, "I'm not tired!" I shook my head.

"Don't move, Petey." I stood up, throwing the blankets over him. "You and I both know you need sleep. I'm going to get you something to help you, okay?" He nodded, curling up under the covers. I leaned down and kissed his temple lightly, then left the bedroom and wandered into the kitchen.

I pulled a glass off the shelf, then opened the refrigerator and grabbed the carton of milk. I poured the milk into the cup and set it in the microwave, heating it for a few seconds as I searched the kitchen for the other snack. When I found the cookies I'd made for occasions like this, I heated them too, after taking the milk out. Once everything was how I wanted, I brought it back up to Petey.

"Brandon Hutt, I swear." He was reaching for his book again when I opened the door. "Choco, I don't wanna take sleeping pills." He complained, sitting up with a small frown. "Good thing I didn't bring you sleeping pills then, huh?" I sat beside him and handed him the small plate of cookies, then the warm milk. His eyes lit up and he smiled, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "You're the best." I chuckled. "I know I am." Petey rolled his eyes at me, and began eating.

Once he had finished, I took the dishes from him and brought them back into the kitchen, leaving them in the sink for one of us to end up doing later. I returned to the bedroom and smiled slightly, Brandon had completely buried himself under the sheets. I chuckled as I climbed under them myself, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling the blankets back so he could actually breathe. "Get some sleep, baby boy. I'll be right here when you wake up." He turned to face me and curled into me, a small smile etched onto his lips. "Mmhmm..." He hummed, resting his head on my chest.

I started to play with the ends of his hair with one hand, while my other traced shapes on his back and sides. He wrapped his arms tight around me and hummed again. "I love you, Choco..." He mumbled. "I love you too, Petey." Though, I don't think he heard me, because he'd already fallen asleep.

"I love you more than you'll ever know, baby. I just wish I could tell you how much you mean." I sighed, shifting slightly -making sure to keep my baby boy comfortable- and eventually drifting off to the sound of Petey's heartbeat.

"My baby boy" FinalScripts
Much love as always, ~Rosie <3

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