Prestlan/TBNRDuty: All Of The Stars

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<<Third Person>>

Preston sat on the roof of his apartment building, staring at the moon and stars above his head. A shooting star flashed across the sky, and he smiled. Maybe his boyfriend saw it too. He was humming a lullaby, one his boyfriend sang to him when they were together. If only you were here, Preston sighed. I'd sing it for you instead. Preston was no where near his Australian lover as he sat on his Texas home. But one thought could comfort him. Lachlan could see the same sky he did. So when Preston couldn't sleep, he went up to the roof and stared up. If Lachlan was seeing what he did, they weren't as far away as reality made them seem.

It's just another night, and I'm staring at the moon. I saw a shooting star and thought of you. I sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew, if you were here, I'd sing to you. You're on the other side, as the skyline splits in two. I'm miles away from seeing you. I can see the stars, from America, I wonder, do you see them too?

Preston smiled to the stars over his head, and kept singing the song. He closed his eyes and lay back, resting his hands behind his head as he watched the moon above. Once he felt sleep fighting his consciousness, he stood up and stretched, and started back into his home so he could actually sleep. He waved to the stars above him. "Goodnight, Lachlan. I love you." He whispered, smiling as he went back into his apartment. He walked through the door and immediately went to his bedroom. He got ready for bed quickly and jumped under the covers, glancing to his bedside table. He sighed at the picture of him and Lachlan on his bedside table. God, did he miss the beauty he called his best friend, his boyfriend, his star-crossed lover. "Don't worry Lachy," Preston whispered to the photograph, "I'll see you soon, my love."

So open your eyes, and see, the way our horizons meet, and all of the lights will lead, into the night with me. And I know these scars will bleed, but both of our hearts believe, all of these stars will guide us home.

As Preston had nearly stayed up until sunrise, the sun was setting on his Australian boyfriend. Lachlan was driving around town, not wanting to go home and face the fact that he's somehow managed through another day without his little Texan boyfriend. He drove and drove and drove, the song "Chasing cars" playing through his radio. He finally parked his car and hopped out, smiling. He walked for a minute or two through some trees before coming out onto a beach, Preston's favorite little place when he came to visit. Lachlan sat in the sand, lifting it and watching to drain through his fingers. Then he noticed the sky, turning a dark blue with twinkling lights, smiling above his head. He smiled again, remembering the times his boyfriend was with him. They always ended up right here, Lachlan wrapping Preston in his embrace, staring up at the same sky that was above Lachlan now. Lachlan remembered the first time they were here. The pair was laying side by side. Lachlan glanced over to his best friend, and noticed the reflection of the stars in his eyes, and the small bits of sand in his hair, and the adorable laugh Preston made when Lachlan did something stupid, and the smile on Preston's lips when Lachlan took his hand. Lachlan noticed that he was in love. And here he was still, madly in love with and dating his best friend. Lachlan sighed happily to the moon above, thanking the stars for everything he had. And Lachlan's everything was Preston.

I can hear your heart on the radio beat, they're playing 'chasing cars' and I thought of us. Back to the time you were lying next to me, I looked across and fell in love, so I took your hand. Back through the lamp lit streets I knew, everything led back to you. So can you see the stars, over Amsterdam? You're the song my heart is beating too

Lachlan stood up, shaking the sand from his clothes and hair. And even though he knew Preston would probably be waking up soon, he smiled to the stars and whispered "Goodnight, Preston." He went back to his car and drove home to his small apartment, singing the lullaby he would sing to Preston when they were together. He missed his tiny little Texan, not only his boyfriend, but his best friend. Lachlan opened he door to his bedroom and jumped under the covers, kicking his shoes off as he got comfortable. He looked to check the time on the clock by bus bedside, but his eyes instead fell to the framed picture to him and his boyfriend. How Lachlan survived daily without him would forever be a mystery. Lachlan looked out his window at the stars one last time, before closing his eyes. "I love you, Preston, where ever you are."

So open your eyes, and see, the way our horizons meet, and all of the lights will lead, into the night with me. And I know these scars will bleed, but both of our hearts believe, all of these stars will guide us home.

Both Preston and Lachlan fell asleep that night with a smile and a thought of the other, knowing that even though they weren't with each other, they were. They were together, under the same sky and moon. Together in the light of the love they shared and the light of the stars over their heads.

I honestly think this is the best I've ever done. I don't know why I love it so much but I do. It's just making me happy I guess, plus be always been one to love the night sky. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed, much love, and leave requests for me! I'll get around to them eventually ;P XD ~Rosie <3

P.S. The song was "All Of The Stars", by Ed Sheeran <3

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