Tay: Regular

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A/N: no regrets for this ship either...

Ty (Deadlox) X Jay (Jayg3r)

Possibly triggering idk tbh

. . .

Jay couldn't help it, you know?

Usually, everything was all fine and dandy, he pushed through the days and nights... But today, everything slapped him full force.

He broke down in sobs.

He made his phone blast it's 'sad song' playlist as he laid in bed with a baggy sweatshirt and shorts covering of him. Three giant blankets still sat on top of that.

He cried for what felt like ages, with numerous people asking him what was wrong, but he couldn't tell them. He couldn't say a word.

It started with Ty. Ty, his beautiful, amazing, perfect boyfriend.

Boyfriend. Catch that? Ty was no longer Tyla. He was no longer a small, fragile girl. Ty is a slightly stronger, confident-ish boy, who just so happened to have stole Jay's heart and ran with it.

That was problem one.

Problem two was the fact that Ty, though slightly more confident, was depressed. He had that, anxiety, and more... And he hurt himself. A lot. And Jay, being in Australia, had zero ways of helping the man he loved, who was all the way in the U.S., in Arizona.

And on this particular day, Ty's depression was winning, and of course, he came to his boyfriend, needing happy and fresh thoughts in his mind to scream louder than the others.

Jay really tried his best.

And, to add another to the pile, Jay had to keep his mouth shut.

Sure, Lachlan, and Jay's sister Gianna knew about Ty, but his transphbic and homophobic parents? The rest of the world who label "internet friendships" as wrong?

His lips were sealed.

So when Jay's mother walked in on his crying, it took him so much not to spill anything.

"You can tell me anything, sweetie." She said.

"I'll love you no matter what." She said.

Jay wasn't having any of it.

Even as his mum sat there, rubbing his arm and staring, Jay kept crying. He couldn't make himself stop.

Shaking and hyperventilating and squeaking and crying, Jay and his mother sat there for at least a half hour, Jay's slight noises and his music being the only sounds in the room.

His mum kept pushing, begging on some little inkling on what was going on inside her son's head, but he wouldn't give up. He held on what little he had left of the bricks of his walls, refusing to let anybody close.

Eventually, after what seemed like one too many tries, Jay's mother gave up, leaving him alone to face yet another intruder.

The one and only Ty.

Ty: what happened?

Jay: wut ?

Ty: Earlier, you said you had some sort of problem...

Jay: oh
Jay: don't worry about that

Ty: You know I'm going too, Jay Bird.

Jay: don't, I'm fine

Ty: You clearly aren't fine
Ty: You can tell me anything, you know that?

Jay: yeah... Everything except for this

Ty: It's about me isn't it

Jay: kinda...
Jay: yeah
Jay: I'm sorry

Ty: Don't be. Just find someone to talk too, okay? Let it out.

Jay: I wish I could

Jay could barely see his screen, he was crying so hard.

So, that's the two people he trusts most. His mother and Ty, and he can't tell either of them.

Lachlan or Gia would be an option, but they don't understand it as much as the other two people would...

Jay just didn't know what to do, and crying seemed like his best option.

So guess what he did?

Jumped on a pony and rode it up a mother fucking rainbow.

If only.

No, the poor boy sobbed some more, having no one to turn to and no one to comfort him.

He had a feeling this would become a regular thing.

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