The Pack: The Game's Beginning

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The Games became tradition. And normally, it's an honor to uphold your society's tradition, right? Well, not here. Put to the tests of PvP, survival, building and parkour, ten boys would grow more then they ever thought they would in this year's event.


Adrenaline pumped through Mitch's body, the excitement of the Games starting to reach him. "Ready, Jerome?" He called to his partner. "Of course I'm ready biggums. I was born ready." The other replies, trying not to let his nerves show through. The first boy grins, looking around their small spawn, waiting for the gates to lift. After a couple minutes, Jerome looks back to his partner. "Biggums?" Mitch tilts his head back so he can see his best friend. "Yeah, buddy?" Jerome sighs. "Do you think we'll make it, biggums?" He asks. "Of course we will," his partner grins. "We're unbeatable, Jaye." Again, Jerome sighs. "Maybe PvP wise... But you and I both know parkour isn't our strong suit." He says, nerves finally breaking through in his voice. Mitch keeps his lopsided grin. "So? We'll chop those fools so bad they'll be to dazed for the parkour." Mitch says, taking his partners hand and sitting beside him. "Jerome, I promise we'll be fine. We'll make it through." Jerome squeezes his partners hand, and lays his head on his shoulder. "If you say so, Mitch." Mitch looks down at Jerome, and takes a chance that just might screw him for the rest of the tournament. He kisses the top of Jerome's head. Jerome smiles and curls up closer to Mitch. "We can do this, biggums." Jerome whispers, reassuring himself more than is partner. Mitch weaves his fingers through Jerome's short hair. "I know." Jerome slips an arm around Mitch's back. "What do you think the others are like, biggums?" He asks, afraid of what the other competitors would bring. Mitch sighs. "I have no idea. I wish I did." "What if they are better then PvP than us? Or building? Or parkour?" Jerome asks, still paranoid. Mitch smiles. "What are you so worried about? I'm not gonna leave you." Jerome looks up at Mitch, smiling. "Thank you."


Relaxed, Mat leaned back against the wall of his lobby, lost in his own thoughts about his plans to win the Games. He was focused and could tell you anything you wanted to know, but he knew that when he needed it, in the heat of certain moments, it would all vanish. "You don't seem nervous," his partner remarked. "Got a plan, Matty boy?" The boy smiled, leaning beside Mat on the wall. "Yeah. The thing is, redstone doesn't spawn in the games, unless it's been specified to the players. In that case, we're screwed." Mat replied. His partner nodded, afraid of what Mat could dream up in that head of his. If they didn't get redstone, Brandon knows they just might be screwed. He tried to shake the nervous thoughts from his mind. "You okay?" Mat asks, catching Brandon's gaze. "We'll be fine. I'll find a way, promise." Mat assured. "You really think we can do it? God knows what we're up against..." Brandon said, trying not to show all his nerves. "I've..." Mat hesitates, biting his lip. "I've done a little research on the other competitors.  The only ones we should really look out for are Mitchell and Jerome. They excel at PvP." Mat says, flinching as he finished speaking. Looking up other participants was illegal. "Shh, don't say that louder. As long as we'll be okay... No one will know, Matty. Alright?" Mat nodded. "Okay. Thank you, Petey." He says, using Brandon's nickname. "Anything for you, Noochems." Brandon replies with Mat's own nickname. "Aw, babe," Mat grins. "Aw, nothing." Brandon says. "It's just because I... I'm looking out for you. We're winning this thing, remember?" Brandon says, heat rushing to his cheeks as he turns away from Mat. He nearly slipped. Brandon kept his eyes locked on the wall tiles, praying Mat wouldn't notice the blush on his cheeks. "You okay?" Mat asks, slightly confused. "Fine, fine." Brandon mumbles softly, still not turning. Mat stares at Brandon for a second, before smirking. "I know you're blushing." Mat calling him out made Brandon flush darker pink. "No I'm not." Again, Mat smirks. "Then look at me." Brandon turned, cheeks bright pink. "Shut up."

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