A Little Something Different

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A/N: This is not based off the book "A Little Something Different." (But that's a great book y'all should read it lol)

:-Your POV-:

You're struggling. Life is not treating you kindly. But you've always turned to a few particular people who knew exactly how to cheer you up on a rough day. The majority of them go by "The Pack." And mixed in there somewhere, an author on some silly little fan fiction app, who's chapters and one shots always give you hope on your favorite ships.

One day, you get home from yet another day of school, counting down the days until you're away from the idiotic jocks and the all-to-preppy cheerleaders and the snobby popular girls. You unlock your front door and kick off your shoes, then drop your bag and take your phone from your pocket. Now that you're off that awful bus and away from the neighbors you take your earbuds out, pausing the OneRepublic song that was playing. Sighing, you pull out your algebra book and grab your notebook, sitting down at the kitchen table and starting the problems the teacher assigned as the song playing in your headphones moments before starts again from your phone's speaker.

Once the page is filled with answered to problems you'll probably never do in real life, you pick up your phone again. This time, the Panic! At the Disco song pauses and you open up your favorite app; YouTube. Starting to scroll through your subscriptions, you noticed the same video posted eight times in a row, by none other then your favorite group on YouTube. The eight videos also share their title, "A Little Something Different: The Pack & Friends Plus One." With the title and thumbnail dragging you in -the thumbnail being "A little something different" in bright blue letters on a pink background- you decide to click the video.

The first person to appear on the screen is the one you've been watching the longest. "Hey doods, what's up its Mitch, or BajanCanadian here comin' at you with... Well, as the title says, a little something different." The boy's caramel eyes look up at you through the screen, keeping you attached to the video. "You see, we had... A friend reach out to us, giving us this little... Idea. Basically, what this is, is us, me and the rest of the guys, just... Talking, I guess. Reminding you that we love you.

"But saying we love you is such an understatement. Because it's much more then that, you guys are our world. I speak for the rest of the guys as well when I say that you are like one huge family for us. And maybe we're a little dysfunctional, being spread across the world, but hey, we make it work. Meeting for those good ol' family reunions at Pax or Arcadiacon or the other conventions are some of the best times of my life. I can't say thank you enough for all the memories you guys give me. I'll never forget it, or forget you guys." The boy through the screen was wiping away the tears that pricked the corners of his eyes, and so were you. "But before I go to far, I have to pass this off to my best friend, yes, you guessed it-"

"It's Jerome here, how're you all doing?" The next boy pops up, smiling widely at you. "So I'm gonna talk to you guys about... Well, you. I know Mitch talked about how much you mean to us, and everything he said is one-hundred-percent true. So, if ever you think that your unloved, remember us. We love you. Each and every single one of you. Whether your at every convention or stuck in the middle of no where, we notice your tweets or edits on social media or you don't own any social media, anything. We. Love. You. Yes, you. Dan and Alex and Timmy and Zoey and Cecelia and Aaron and Lucy and Rachel and whatever else you guys are named. We love you all, even-"

"-If you don't love yourself. Hey everyone, it's Preston here." Jerome is replaced with the boy who you take after most, the way he talks and his interests and everything else. "I love you guys just the way you are. You don't need to change for anyone out there, no mater what. You are all beautiful, gorgeous, handsome people, despite what any hater says. Trust me, I didn't always look like I do now, and it was hard to remember that I didn't have to care what people around me thought. I wasn't attractive, but I worked hard and got to where I am now. All you need to do is focus on you and your success, and do not give a single fudge about anyone who tries to mess you up. Just keep working for you and the ones you love. Now, speaking of the ones we love, I'm gonna end my part of this here and turn it to one of my best friends. Ready, Robby?"

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