Vikklan: Try Again

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\Vikk's POV/

"Hey Brandon!" I smiled at the new boy, who started at my high school yesterday. "Oh, hi Vikk." he said. I had introduced myself yesterday and showed him around, and we because fast friends. "Ready for day two?" I asked, and he shrugged. "I guess. I'm already dreading third period." he tilted his head to the side a bit, I could see a flash of worry in his eyes. "Nah, you'll be good today. My buddy Nooch, or Mat, who was a pleb and decided to be sick yesterday, is in your third period. Adam, Ty, Quentin and Ian won't mess with you, most likely." I said. "Okay." Brandon answered simply.

"Speaking of the Nooch-bot, here he comes." I said, noticing my friend walking towards us. "Hey Nooch." I said with a smile as he stopped in front of us. "Hi Vikk. Hey cutie." Mat smirked at Brandon, who blushed and turned his head away. "Who's the new boy, Vikky?" Mat asked, pointing to Brandon. "Nooch, meet Brandon. Brandon, this is Nooch, or Mat." I gestured between the two. Brandon gave Mat a small wave, and Mat just smiled. "Mat, Brandon is in most of my classes accept third, but he shares it with you. Yesterday, Adam and friends weren't exactly the easies on him. You'll watch out for him?" I explained our situation, and Mat nodded. "Of course. Can't let those jags pick on this cutie." Mat said, grinning again. "Thanks guys." Brandon said quietly. "No problem, buddy!" I chirped happily. The bell rang, so Brandon and I sOd goodbye to Nooch and walked to our home room.


"Hey Vikk, hi Brandon!" Rob smiled as the two of us approached the lunch table. "Hey doods." Mat added as we sat down. "Brandon, I'm guessing you met Nooch already then?" Rob questioned, and Brandon nodded. "Sweet." Rob smiled, and the four of us started chatting about nothing.

About half way through lunch, Brandon tapped my shoulder. "Who's that?" He subtly pointed over his shoulder, and I glanced behind me. "Who? There's a lot of people behind me, Brandon." I laughed. "Between checkerboard and Bacca boy. The tall one, blonde, blue eyes?" I cringed, knowing exactly who he was talking about. "That's Lachlan." Mat butted in. "Vikk's ex boyfriend." Rob added. "Ex boyfriend? He's been staring at Vikk this entire time." Brandon said, looking confused. "Of course he has." Mat muttered. I sighed and put my head on the table. "Why is he staring at Vikk if they're exes?" Brandon asked, clearly still confused. "Vikk broke up with Lachlan because... well, he got caught kissing this guy Jay once. Then they got in a fight." Mat explained briefly, and I sighed again. "I want to forgive him. But I just can't." I said quietly, and Rob rubbed my back. "How about we go finish lunch in the courtyard?" He said, pulling his stuff together. "Nah, its okay. We don't have to." I protested, but Mat packed up his stuff up too. "C'mon, lets get outta here." Mat insisted. "Fine, whatever." I shrugged, and Brandon and I picked up our things and started to follow Nooch and Rob from the cafeteria.

We barely made it outside the school doors before we got punched and/or pushed to the ground. I was pinned to the wall, as was Brandon. "Screw off, Adam." I said, glaring at him. "Where's the fun in that?" He grinned. "At least leave my friends alone." I said, glancing to the almost shaking Brandon and pained Mat and Rob. "The newbie, the dork, the brainiac? Now why would I do that?" Adam answered, and I watched as Quentin proceeded to kick Mat in the ribs. "Stop, Adam." I said, trying to squirm from his grip. "Ha. No." Adam said, making his grip on my tighter as Ian picked up Rob and slammed him into the wall. I watched Robs head slam back into the brick, and I flinched. "Adam! Stop it!" I yelled, making him grim again. Ty, who was holding Brandon to the wall, took one hand away and punched Brandon square in the jaw. "Last one." Adam turned back to me, and I closed my eyes, awaiting the punch to face or kick to my stomach. "Just don't hurt them again." I pleaded. "No promises." I could hear the smirk on his voice. I waited a few seconds before I felt Adams grip on me drop. No punch? I thought as I opened my eyes. "What!?" I exclaimed, shocked at what I saw.

Lachlan had tackled Adam to the ground. Jerome, Mitch, and Preston, Lachlan's three best friends, had pulled Brandon, Mat, and Rob away from Ty, Quentin and Ian. "What the hell, Power?" Adam pushed Lachlan away from him. "Leave Vikk alone, leave Mat alone, leave Rob alone, leave... The new kid alone." Lachlan said, standing up and glaring down at Adam. "You just want your precious little boyfriend back. Well, I got news for ya, Power. He isn't coming back. You fucked with Jay. He doesn't like you, so stop trying. Let me have my fun." Adam stood up and pushed Lachlan back. I saw hurt flash in Lachlan's eyes, before pure hatred took over. "Take your stupid friends and leave, Power." Adam said, pointing over his shoulder. Adam wouldn't dare beat up Lachlan, Lachlan was too high in the social hierarchy.

Lachlan gave Adam a death glare. "That's a lie. I'm defending my friends. So you can get out before I beat your sorry ass. Don't come near them again." Lachlan spat, and I knew he was pissed. "I'm not scared of you, Power." Adam stated. Lachlan snapped. Before I even knew what happened, Adam was on the ground due to whatever blow Lachlan sent his way. "You damn well should be, Adam. Take your stupid friends and get away from mine." Lachlan said, turning his back on Adam. Ian, Quentin and Ty had backed away from the others, and went to pick Adam up off the ground. "You just wait. One day, Power won't be here to protect you and your little friends, Barn." Adam snarled at me, and I rolled my eyes as the four of them walked away.

"Are you okay?" I asked Brandon when I turned around. "Fine, thanks. You?" He asked. "He didn't hit me, man. You sure you're good?" I asked, and he nodded. "Mat? Rob? You both good?" I said to the others. "Yeah. T-Thanks, Preston." Rob looked at the boy standing next to him. "No problem." Preston smiled, and Rob went a little pink. I knew he had a thing for Preston, and was just the perfect scenario. For them anyway. "Are you alright, Vikk?" An Australian voice asked from behind me. "Fine." I said coldly, without turning to face him. "Mat, are you okay?" I asked before Lachlan could ask any more questions. "Yeah. Jerome did a pretty sick job there." He fist-bumped Jerome, who smiled. "Quentin's always ticked me off the most. That was fun, G." "I thought Ty pissed you off?" Mitch said. "Not as much as Q." Jerome answered, and went on arguing with his boyfriend. "I'm gonna go finish my food. Anyone wanna come?" Brandon asked, picking his stuff of the ground. Everyone agreed, even Mitch, Jerome, and Preston. We all started walking, but Lachlan pulled me back. "Can we talk?" He asked quietly. I sighed, but nodded. "Fine."

The two of us started walking the other direction from everyone else, and Lachlan waited a minute to talk. "Alright.... you are killing me, Vikk. Please. I'm so sorry. I never should've said those things, and Jay... Jay means nothing. Never has, never will. I only want you back, Vikky. Please." Lachlan begged, looking down at me. "Look, Lachlan. I'm sorry, but-" he quickly leaned down and kissed me. "Please, Vikk." He said as he backed away. I felt like collapsing. I missed that so much, and it hurt to feel his lips on mine again. "I... I can't, Lachlan." I whispered, unable to really use my voice. "Vikky-" "Please don't call me that." I said. It brought back the memories of the two of us. "Vikk, I love you. Please give me one more shot." he said, but I could hear defeat in his voice. "Lachlan... I can't.... I'll just get hurt again." I said, looking up at him. "I won't hurt you. I couldn't dream of hurting you again. Seeing you like I did only hurt me. Please, one last chance." he said, and I sighed. I couldn't live without him anymore. I loved him too much. "O-Okay." I said, and he immediately lifted me into a hug. "Thank you. Thank you Vikky, I don't know what I wouldn't done without you." He smiled as he pulled me closer. "I missed you, Lachy." I said with a smile as I wrapped my arms tight around him. "But we aren't just gonna snap back to where we were. We... We have to start slow again, okay?" I said, and Lachlan nodded. "That's fine. As long as I can be with you again." He smiled, and I smiled back. "We should probably head back to the others..." I said casually, running my fingers through my hair as I looked behind me. "Yeah." Lachlan said, and took my hand. Together, we walked back to where our six friends were sitting under a tree. Jerome was throwing blueberries into Mitch's mouth, Preston's hand was in Rob's, and Brandon sat between Mat's legs with his head on Mat's shoulder. "Looks like you guys are enjoying each other." Lachlan said with a grin as he sat down beside Preston. "I missed these guys, man. Shouldn't have grown away from 'em." Preston smiled at Rob. "I like this school." Brandon commented, among me laugh. "I can tell." I said, and Mat fake glared at me. "Jerome, why? You hit me in the eye!" Mitch yelled with a laugh. "Sorry biggums." Jerome simply shrugged. I leaned on Lachlan's shoulder. "I guess everyone's happy again." I smiled at all my friends. Lachlan took my hand and squeezed it. "I know I am."

NO, I have nothing against Adam, Ty, Quentin, and Ian. Love them to death still. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed and much love, ~Rosie <3

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