TBNRHutt: The Maze Runner

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A/N: MAJOR MAZE RUNNER/THE SCORCH TRIALS/ THE DEATH CURE SPOILERS DO NOT READ IF YOU PLAN ON READING THIS SERIES OR WATCHING MOVIES OR WHATEVER. I WARNED YOU ALL..... Also if I'm not entirely accurate to the books (this one is set in the third one, The Death Cure) it's because I haven't read them in a while, it was back about a year and a half ago. I also changed a few words. ANYWAY SPOILERS BEWARE. EXTREMELY WEAK STOMACHS ALSO BEWARE.


We survived everything together. He was my first friend in the maze. He helped me through everything. He pushed me to keep going through the scorch. He was the one I cared about the most. And then... Then he got infected. The Spark slowly ate away his mind... Leaving him in constant pain. Making him run. And making me run after him. Brandon...


"Kara! Rob! This way!" Preston called, waving the two of us over to where he thought Brandon had disappeared to. "Pres, you sure he's this way? That man said he saw someone with Brandon's description that way." Kara pointed in another direction as she and I caught up to Preston. "I think I saw him this way." I pointed yet another way. "We'll check them all but just come this was first." Preston replied, running off again. Kara and I gave each other a look, before quickly sprinting after Preston. See, all of our other friends, including the two of us, had taken to the theory that Preston had something for Brandon. More then best friends and bromance.

Preston searched the development alongside Kara and I, running in all directions until I called the other two to stop. "Look! Is that...?" I was peering into a window, of what looked like a run-down bowling alley. Preston immediately ran to my side, looking into the window. "I think... Brandon!" Preston pushed away from the window and went for the door, Kara catching up and me right behind him.

"Brandon!" Preston yelled, punching at the unmoving door. "Preston, wait." I pulled out my gun, because clearly Preston was too unstable to shoot his, and aimed for the lock on the door. I fired, the doorknob dropping before Preston kicked at it, sending it flying in. 

"Brandon!" Preston yelled, running towards their lost-but-now-found friend. "Pressy?" Brandon asked, turning to face the other boy, but after realizing it was him, held the gun that he held up to his head. "Brandon?" That seemed to be the only word Preston could say, and the only one he wanted too. "Pressy..." Brandon still held his own weapon to his head, but pointed the gun in Preston's hand with his free one. "Brandon, what are you doing? Put the gun down." Preston said carefully, fear lacing his voice. My heart beat faster every second Brandon kept the gun pointed at himself. "Brandon, please put that down." Kara said, slowly reaching out towards Brandon. "Don't come any closer. I-I'll pull it." Brandon stuttered, tightening his grip on the gun. "Brandon..." I didn't know what to do. He couldn't be serious, right? "Brandon, just come back with us. Please, I can't lose you, not after everyone else..." Preston trailed, and I knew what he meant. Losing Mat, Mitch, Jerome and Vikk was enough.

"Pressy, you don't understand. The Spark... It got to me. I-It hurts me... And I can't control it. I-I'm gonna hurt you. I can't do that t-to you guys." Brandon whispered. "No, Brandon, they'll find a cure, you'll be okay-" "No I won't!" Brandon yelled over the pleading Preston. "P-Pressy... I need you to shoot me. Please. Kill me." Brandon said, which completely caught me off guard. "No way in hell am I killing you, Brandon. You're insane." Preston replied. "Exactly." Brandon mumbled. When neither of us said anything, Brandon looked to Kara and I. "Rob?" I shook my head. "Brandon, it doesn't have to be this way..." He looked away from me and to Kara, who was starting to cry. "Kair?" Brandon asked, but Kara couldn't even speak. She just looked away, over her shoulder, trying not to burst into tears.

He readjusted his grip on the gun again, making my heart pick up again. Once again, he looked at Preston. "Please, Pressy, please..." Brandon looked terrible, his eyes red and hair a mess and beanie barely hanging on his head. And he sounded like he knew what he was about to do. He knew what he wanted.

"Brandon, no. We can find a way." Preston tried to reason again. Brandon glanced at Preston, and then to Kara, and lastly to me. I read his eyes perfectly: I'm sorry.

"Please, Pressy.... Please." Brandon repeated, and when Preston lunged towards Brandon, in hopes to stop him, I heard the most sickening sound I've ever heard, and the most terrible sight I've ever seen. The bang of a bullet, and the blood spilling from Brandon's temple.

"No!" Preston screamed, falling to his knees beside the bleeding Brandon. Kara had already started crying, and was turned into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her as I watched Preston, who was crying and clutching to Brandon's hand like it would save him. But I could tell by the look on Preston's face and by Kara's tears; we all knew he wasn't coming back.

"Pres, we need to go. We-I can't stay here." I said, letting go of Kara and stepping over to Preston. "I... Why, Rob? Why did it have to be this way?" Preston looked so scared and innocent, like a little boy. "Pres, it didn't. You know that, he... He couldn't see it. But we've gotta go." I said, slowly helping him off the ground. Once he stood up, his expression changed, from sad and hopeless to strong and determined. "We're getting out of here, we're going home. We're finding that goddamn cure, no matter what it takes. I'm not losing anyone else to this disease, or to anything else for that matter. Rob, Kara, do not let me rest until we find that cure. For Brandon."

You challenged me the impossible. I did it, FinalScripts . YAY MY FAVORITE THINGS! THE MAZE RUNNER, THE PACK (Kinda) AND DEATH... Wait. I don't like death... WHATEVER \(^.^)/ ~Rosie <3

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