Poofless: The Threat Of A Lonely Night

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"Goodnight, then?" I ask, smiling shyly as I glance up into my webcam.

"Goodnight, Preston. Talk to you tomorrow! And, uh, Lach says hi!" Rob grinned as he was pulled away by his blonde best friend, ending the call before I had a chance to respond.

Sighing, I stared at his contact page for a moment before pushing away from my computer. I leave my office to open the window in my bedroom, a cool breeze flooding the room. I watch the sky outside contently for a moment, before the peace is ruined by a buzz on my phone.

I glance over at the device on my bed, the glow allowing me to see what app the notification was from. Just a text, but I can just see the emoji next to the name of who it came from.


Smiling to myself, I drop down onto my bed, picking up my cell to answer whatever he sent.

Robby🌺💘: text when you wake up tomorrow, sleep well frienderino

You: will do. Enjoy yourself with Lachy !!

Knowing I wasn't going to get another reply any time soon, I hook my phone up to its charger and start to ready myself for bed.

My heart always broke a little inside whenever I knew I wouldn't be able to talk to Rob for however long. He was my best friend, I wold spend every second of every day talking to him if I could.

And, well... Im in love with him.

Rob says he loves me too, because sometimes I let the three words slip, but I don't know if he gets it.

He probably doesn't.

Once again, I let out a sigh, and head to the bathroom to wash up.

I quickly go through my routine, changing into light joggers after letting my jeans and shirt fall to the ground. But before I can put on the hoodie I sleep in - Rob's coincidentally -, I catch sight of myself in the mirror.

My mirror has a crack down the middle from when I first moved in, and I've always been too lazy to buy a new one. When I was hanging it, Rob pushed the door open to see if I needed help, causing me to jump and the mirror to fall and crack.

Now, as I stand in front of it, in nothing but my sweats, it cuts off part of my stomach and thighs. I stand there for a moment, before moving back at an angle so my whole body is visible. I look like I double in size.

I spend a couple minutes moving back and forth, intensely watching the distorted reflection switch to the real one and back again.

My eyes are watering by the time I tear them away from the mirror, and shove myself from the room completely as I flee to the comfort of my bed.

Before I know it, I'm crying, and I can't stop.

This always happens, whenever I'm alone. Something hits home, and I'm a mess with no one to clean me up.

And by that, I mean Rob can't help me and talk me down.

Rob's like my anchor. Without him, I'm sent spiraling into a mist of my own insecurities and horrible thoughts.

So I let it all hit me.

I'm not good enough for him.

I'll never be good enough, either. I ate 'good enough' away a thousand meals ago, and now it's deep within my fat stomach. And my fat thighs. And the rest of my out of shape body.

He doesn't love me. How could he?

All I am is a clingy, annoying kid he pities because I have no one else who can stand me.

I need him, but he'll never need me.

Robby, please come back soon...

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